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Family Files 2015

Bedtime Battles: Let’s Talk Sleep

"My baby has slept through the night since he was 2 weeks old." This is something that all tired parents have heard, longed for, and even envied, yet a peacefully sleeping child seems a far off dream. Sleep. It's one of the keys to your child's development yet, one of the most challenging aspects...
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Socialize for a Better Brain

"What did the grapes say when they got stepped on? Nothing – they just gave a little w(h)ine." Just a little brain teaser in honor of Brain Awareness Week (March 16-22), which we have dedicated all of our posts to this past month. We have covered how sleep, a nutritious diet, physical exercise,...
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Take a Stand to Prevent Falls

Falls Prevention Awareness Day is September 23 (the first day of fall).Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans aged 65+ falls every year?  Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans.  Falls are costly - in dollars and quality of life.However, falling is NOT...
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Give your brain a boost - Get Moving!

One of the most renowned researchers in the area of brain health is Dr. Art Kramer, Director of Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. When he was asked what are two to three lifestyle habits that we can execute to improve our brain health his reply was to: Be active by engaging...
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Resolve to Exercise your Body and Mind in 2015

At the start of each new year, many of us resolve to make some kind of change in our lives, whether it is to lose weight, quit smoking, save money, or exercise more. Very few of us add to our lists that we will dedicate ourselves to brain fitness. Yet, concerns about memory problems as we age are...
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Kindergarten Readiness

One school year has ended, and I hate to tell you, but it is time to think about next school year!  For those of you with children entering school for the first time, here are some tips on what children should know as they enter kindergarten..... Naming & identifying letters, numbers,...
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Help! My Baby Won't Stop Crying!

One of the seven developmental stages that infants and young children must go through that is especially stressful for parents is crying – especially unexplained crying. All babies cry. They cry because that is the only method they have of communicating with us. They are usually trying to tell us...
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Effective Communication Tips

As a Family Life Educator, I am asked to do many types of programs that cover the entire lifespan. This can become quite interesting when you find yourself teaching young mothers about separation anxiety, retired adults about motivation, and working families about balancing work and home life – all...
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Little Chefs

Mommy, can I help? may not always be music to your ears when you are trying to get a meal on the table.  (Take advantage of your child's interest when they are little; when they get to be teenagers their only question about meals may be "Is it ready yet?")Did you know that the more a child...
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Don't Remember!

Don't Forget…to Remember! I must remember to… Call my grandson tomorrow to wish him a happy birthday Drop off the dry cleaning before work Pay the electric bill by Friday Lock the front door at night Pick up my daughter at the airport on Tuesday at noon Each of us can relate to these...
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Encouraging Your Child to Read

Reading is, and always has been, an important source of enjoyment for me.  When I was growing up, we always had books around. My parents, who didn't always have much extra money to spend, would even let me subscribe to a child's magazine.  (Anyone else remember Jack and Jill magazine?...
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Feed Your Brain for Sleep and Health Benefits

Today we have a guest blogger, Leia Kedem, Nutrition and Wellness Educator, talking about the impact nutrition has on brain health. We eat to nourish and fuel the body, but how often do you think about feeding your mind? More and more studies are demonstrating the importance of certain...
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Checking in and building bonds during mealtimes

Family mealtimes are a key experience for a family whether they stop and think about it or not. With both parents and children having busy schedules, parents may worry what can they actually accomplish with a sit down meal? The answer is a lot actually. There are many benefits to eating a sit-down...
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Help! The Holidays are Coming!

  The holidays will soon be here. Who can hardly wait for the shopping, decorating, wrapping gifts, cooking, baking, visiting with loved ones, mailing cards, attending holiday events, etc., etc…… Whew! No wonder the holidays can cause so much stress! Holidays have great meaning in our lives...
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RIP: Distinguishing Between Peer Conflict and Bullying

A concerned parent once approached me with a myriad of questions on bullying. Why was her child being excluded from the peer group? What about name calling – is that bullying? Why is her child being picked on? What can she do to help? As the questions went on, one in particular stood out to me: "Is...
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Try Being Mindful

Have you ever driven home and when you were parking the car, you realized you couldn't remember anything about the drive home? Have you ever read a book and after a few pages, you can't remember what you just read? Maybe you were thinking of a conversation you just had, or an upcoming trip – your...
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Resolve to Work on Your Bucket List in 2016

Well, it's that time of year again, when we not only reflect on how fast time really does fly, but also ponder the things we've done and the things we've left undone in 2015. It is likewise a time when we start to think about the upcoming year and perhaps things we'd like to accomplish. Often times...
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Tis the season to think about technology and children

As we wrap up the holiday season, I am guessing there is a good chance children may have received some kind of tech or electronic gift. Whether the gift be a tablet, cell phone, TV or gaming device parents need to be mindful about how much time and where children will be using these items. In...
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