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Family Files 2015

Back to School Routines – It’s not too early to start

Summertime for kids usually means fewer routines, later nights and sleeping in more, compared to during the school year. However, there are signs everywhere to show us that school is just around the corner. It is evident by the store ads, the school supplies that are spilling out in to the middle...
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November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month and National Caregiver Month. After working in the field of aging for sixteen years, I have found that this is a topic no one wants to learn about until it affects them. Here are some facts about Alzheimer's disease: In...
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Toddlers Exploring the World

Today's blog entry is taken from the award winning Extension series, Your Young Child. When your child is between 1 and 3 years old, she will probably be interested in everything and everyone, especially if it's new or different.  She will want to be part of whatever you do. ...
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Sharing Stories

"I remember when I was your age I would…" We all have stories to tell. We are the authors of our own life stories. The longer we live the more stories we accumulate! There was a time when story sharing by elders served as a community building function. It was a way for younger people to learn about...
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Challenge the Noggin!

What do you do the stay intellectually engaged?  Do you complete the daily crossword puzzle?  Do you watch trivia game shows on television?  Do you help your grandchild with her "times" tables?  Whatever it is, it is important to keep doing it!Current research indicates that...
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