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Campus Engagement in Our Unit 2016

Peoria Named Finalist in Play Everywhere Challenge

In July, City of Peoria was selected as a finalist in the Play Everywhere Challenge, a $1 million national competition that will award outside-the-box ideas to make play easy, available, and fun for kids and families in cities across the U.S. The Challenge is hosted by KaBOOM!, a national non-...
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Illinois Green Office Challenge

Join us for the second year of the Illinois Green Office Challenge of Greater Peoria March 3rd Challenge Kick-Off! Learn how participating in the Illinois Green Office Challenge of Greater Peoria can take your business' sustainability efforts to the next level! March 3, 2016 | 8:00 a.m...
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Discover Manufacturing Career Expo 2015

During the annual Discover Manufacturing Expo, over 800 students from 29 area schools are introduced to manufacturing career pathways. This is the second year University of Illinois Extension has engaged with the Greater Peoria EDC's Strategic Manufacturing Group in linking area manufacturers with...
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Safe Routes to Learn and Play

UIUC Department of Urban and Regional Planning Graduate Students, City of Peoria representatives, parents and Extension staff conducted a walking audit. The study aligns with current efforts within the city to develop complete streets that allow for additional green infrastructure, greater...
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The River City and Wet Weather Management

During fall semester, students and faculty have worked closely with University of Illinois Extension and City of Peoria's Innovation Team to address combined sewer overflow problems. Peoria's sewers carry both sanitary wastewater and stormwater. When rain or snowmelt overwhelm the system, around 20...
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Safe Routes to Learn and Play

Walking and biking to school, once a dominant method of transportation has seen a sharp decline in the past several decades. A new movement called Safe Routes to School (SRTS) aims at increasing safe walking and biking to school, for reasons related to community health, environmental health, and...
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American Planning Association Illinois Chapter Student Award

When first-year Master of Urban Planning student Marcia Klopf began her search for a master's capstone project, she was looking for a project which would combine her interests in historic preservation and urban design. Through Kathie Brown, a University of Illinois Extension Educator for Community...
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