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Simply Nutritious, Quick and Delicious 2018

Be a Super Speedy Shopper

According to the website, Foodimentary™ February is "National Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket" month. Laugh now, but you will be thankful when you have a flurry of carts to choose from, especially when they are lined up in the cart corral and not rolling down the parking lot with the wind...
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Cauliflower Rice Craze

It's always interesting to hear about the latest craze in the food industry. One that exploded in 2017, is cauliflower rice, and its popularity isn't slowing down. Cauliflower rice isn't truly rice at all. In fact, the label of "rice" is understandably upsetting for rice farmers. However, it has a...
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Is it Ketchup or Catsup?

Whether you spell it catsup or ketchup, you've likely squirted this popular condiment on a variety of foods. The first documentation of the product dated back to the 1600's when Europeans brought back the sauce from China. However, this wasn't the ketchup we know today. In fact, it was derived from...
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Kicking Bad Food Habits to the Curb

The holiday season tends to bring out traditions, or habits, if you will. While most are fun and harmless, others, while they may have the best intentions, need to retire. Here's my top five food-related habits that need to be broken: Cooking in a paper bag- I'm not sure how...
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Lent and Lentils

This week's blog post is written by Illinois State University graduate student and dietetic intern, Michael O'halloran. For those that abstain from eating meat on Fridays during the Lenten season, it can sometimes be difficult to come up with meatless meals. Even with a fish dinner,...
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Root for the Turnip!

Autumn is an ideal time to savor the flavors of root vegetables, including turnips. Turnips belong to the cabbage family, and most often resemble their cousins, rutabaga and kohlrabi. They have a mild flavor and texture like...
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Food Waste in America

This weeks blog post is written by Illinois State University's dietetic graduate student, Erin Fejes! As a dietetic graduate student and future registered dietitian, I am concerned that so many Americans are food insecure. The Environmental Protection Agency states that 42 million...
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Is it a Grape or Cherry Tomato?

Spring has finally arrived and what better time than now to talk tomatoes? Tomatoes come in all different sizes and shapes, but in my house, it's the bite-size tomatoes, including grape and cherry, that are eaten as if they were candy. Although, you may be wondering what the difference is. Grape...
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Getting Fancy with Custard

For some, the holidays are a time to get fancy. You wear your best dress or tuxedo to the corporate holiday party, you set out your grandmother's fine china, and you actually use that dining room table as a place to eat rather than a place to store all of life's daily belongings. It's also a time...
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Healthy Half-Time

This week's post is written by Illinois State University Food, Nutrition and Dietetic student, Madison McClurg! No matter who you are rooting for at this Sunday's Super bowl game, we all are rooting for the delicious food that comes with it! Super Bowl Sunday does not usually come with...
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Easy Mashed Potatoes for Your Thanksgiving Meal!

Mashed potatoes are a classic dish at most everyone's Thanksgiving dinner table. Whether you like them silky and smooth or hearty and chunky, they're a delicious accompaniment to roasted turkey. In simplest form, mashed potatoes are put together with just five ingredients: potatoes, milk, butter,...
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Figuring Out Food Allergies

Fixing foods for other children is not just about choosing yummy kid-friendly foods anymore. We now need to think about the possibility of children having food allergies. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in thirteen children have at least one food allergy. If you...
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Whole Nuts: A Christmas Tradition

My mother-in-law always put a variety of whole nuts in the bottom of everyone's Christmas stockings. It's a tradition that has been passed down in her family, and I'm sure other families do the same. But why do we serve whole nuts for the holiday season? Many of us think of the old-fashioned...
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An Appreciation for Currants

Sadly, currants do not seem to get the respect and admiration that they deserve. However, in Europe, their love for currants is like our love for blackberries or raspberries. In fact, the purple candy in a bag of Skittles® is flavored grape in the U.S., but tastes like black currant in the U.K. Why...
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Spring into Summer with Salmon

Today's blog post and recipe are written by Illinois State University students and dietetic interns, Amanda Dieugenio and Samantha Concha! Salmon is a fish that tastes delicious during any time of year, but for some reason it tastes just a little better when warm weather approaches and...
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Just a Pinch

A pinch of this, a dash of that. The more experienced cooks can often get by without properly measuring ingredients. Their skill and experience guides them to know how much to add, but many novice cooks struggle at knowing when is enough to give flavor and when is enough to push it to the edge of...
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A Look at Nectarines

Nectarines are often confused with peaches, but when given a second look nectarines are easy to spot because they don't have the fuzzy outside that peaches have. Nectarines are similar in taste to the peach and both exhibit a pit on the inside. A clingstone does just that: the flesh clings to the...
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A Hidden Gem in Your Cabinets

Today's blog post is written by Illinois State University graduate student and dietetic intern, Michael O'halloran! What if I told you that in your home, at this very moment, you likely have several antioxidant-dense foods hidden away? If you are thinking about your latest trip to the...
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Making a Fluffy Waffle

The smell of a light and fluffy waffle cooking in a waffle iron is sure to wake anyone up in the morning. Waffle batter is made with flour, sugar, eggs, milk and a leavening agent, similar in make-up to a pancake. However, while a pancake is thin and spongy, a waffle is thicker and crisp on the...
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