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4-H Foundation

Photo of Cathryn Frisby

4-H friendships live on

A group of alumni enjoy 4-H so much, they’re still meeting, 90 years after the oldest began her 4-H journey. At 98 years young, Cathryn Frisby and her fellow Country Couples members still meet monthly. The seniors meet for a meal and guest speaker on topics ranging from honeybees to...
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We have a holiday tradition in our home. No, it has nothing to do with putting up decorations or cooking our favorite holiday recipe. Ever since the children were old enough to understand, we always try to do one thing. Give. Every time we go in a store to shop, we drop something in the kettle....
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Eichelberger to receive National 4-H Hall of Fame Award

"4-H has made me everything I am." That's tall praise from a woman whose family name adorns the University of Illinois woman's softball field, but it is said with the sincerest gratitude about the youth development program which she says instilled her desire for lifetime service and learning....
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Let generosity guide your walk

Nearly 70 years ago, a young woman walked the same paths you now walk on this beautiful campus. No doubt, even she didn't know then what an influence she would later become to generations of young people attending University of Illinois or young 4-H members. This fall, Lila Jeanne Eichelberger...
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ADM adds $25,000 to scholarship fund

Illinois 4-H members pursuing advanced education will benefit from a donation to the Illinois 4-H Foundation. Archer Daniels Midland Company recently donated $25,000 to the Illinois 4-H Foundation to support the Superior Young Producer Award college scholarship program. Each year, 25 $1,000...
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Camp receives grant money

Illinois 4-H Memorial Camp will benefit from a $5,000 grant from The Grainger Foundation. The grant will allow for an expansion of activities geared to increase youth interest in science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM). Working with the Illinois 4-H Foundation, this financial...
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Celebrating Extension staff's dedication to excellence

It speaks well of a state program when one of it's former longtime employees is honored for the magic they did for generations of 4-H members. Illinois can be proud. Errol G. Burns, a former University of Illinois Extension staff member, now of Vernal, Utah, was inducted into the National 4-H Hall...
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