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Tobacco Hornworm

Hornworm alert: Be on the lookout

Our recent hot weather has not only helped our garden plants to grow, but it has also helped our garden pests to arrive a little earlier than usual. The Tobacco hornworm is showing up in local gardens with 3-inch ones present in at least one local garden. The hornworm caterpillar is the larva of a...
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Apple hanging from an apple tree

Growing apples in your home orchard

There is a lot of interest by home gardeners to raise and produce organic fruit. The good news is it can be done! Home growers need to be attentive to their fruit trees and know when to apply control measures. Producing fruit that is relatively free of discoloration and damage...
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When should I sow seeds for my vegetable garden?

With spring right around the corner and seed catalogs pouring in, many gardeners are anxious to get their hands in the soil, myself included. It may currently be a little early and damp to put shovel to ground, but it’s never too early to plan what vegetables and herbs you might grow. Gather your...
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Take control of your weed woes

Judging by the weed pressure in my garden, the growing season is in full force! Staying vigilant about weed control in the garden is necessary as weeds will compete with desirable species for moisture and nutrients. There are several ways to approach weed management, and an integrated approach is...
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Everything is coming up roses

Roses have a long and vibrant history and have even been recognized as a status symbol. Because roses come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, they allow gardeners a great deal of variety from which to choose. New rose gardeners may be tempted to jump headfirst into growing hybrid tea or floribunda...
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Bag of potting soil with planer next to it

It's Time to Plant a Fall Garden

If you enjoy those sweet tender vegetables of spring, then you get another opportunity to enjoy them during the cooler temperatures of fall. The catch is that you have to plant them now during the month of August. Why does a fall crop need to be planted in August? Daylight and temperature. Here...
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Tomato and Basil plants growing in a homemade container. Be sure to allow for drainage from any container.

The New Victory Garden

Spring has sprung, the weather is gorgeous, and everyone wants to get outside. However, social distancing measures prevent many of us from being in public spaces. We can’t gather with others, but we still care about our families and our community. What a perfect time to revisit the victory garden...
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Field of sunflowers

Start to Finish: Growing a Cut Flower Garden

If you love having vases full of fresh flowers around the house, but not the price tag cut flower gardening is for you! A little planning now will have your home full of unique floral arrangements all summer long. First off, what is a cut flower? A cut flower is simply any flower or flower bud...
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