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Native Plants

How does cold weather affect garden plants? Snow covered landscape.

How does cold weather affect garden plants?

As cold weather sets in, we often find ourselves retreating indoors where it is warm. However, our landscape plants can't do this, and during times of extreme cold, like this recent cold snap, we may find ourselves wondering how our plants will fare. How do plants prepare for...
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Pawpaw: America's tropical treasure pawpaw fruit in tree canopy leaves turning yellow

Pawpaw: America's tropical treasure

The time of year is nearing when the pawpaw (Asimina triloba) fruit will ripen and those lucky enough to have access to the fruit (and beat the wildlife to the ripened fruit) will enjoy a once-a-year delicacy. Those who have never been able to enjoy the fruit have time to search for a...
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The duality of American pokeweed photo of bloom hanging in front of plant leaves

The duality of American pokeweed

Generally speaking, native plants are considered desirable since they support wildlife, can improve water quality while requiring less water themselves, are beautiful in the landscape, are generally more tolerant of climate conditions and soil types, and much more. However, from time to time a...
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A plant of many colors: Virginia bluebells. Purple and blue bluebell flowers.

A plant of many colors: Virginia bluebell

With the arrival of warmer weather in the spring, we start to see signs of new life in our landscapes. Birds begin singing, our landscapes start turning green again, and spring ephemeral plants start to emerge. Among the spring ephemerals in Illinois, one of the most captivating and commonly...
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Bison and America's prairie ecosystem photo of bison eating on shortgrass prairie blue sky in above horizon

Bison and America's prairie ecosystem

This week marks the official beginning of autumn as far as our calendar is concerned but the natural world began the transition toward fall weeks ago. I recently had the pleasure of sharing a part of this transition with my son when I was able to join him on a prairie seed collection activity with...
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