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American Badger out in the wild

In search of the American badger

By Carla Rich Montez, Extension Master Naturalist serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell countiesIt’s not easy to examine the life of an animal that is secretive, solitary and nocturnal.Just ask any scientist who has attempted to study the American badger. In fact, details about its...
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Brent Fowler standing in blooming prairie with a corn field in background

Quail comeback

By Carla Rich Montez, Extension Master Naturalist serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell counties   Almost everywhere you look on Brent Fowler’s farm, a restored habitat is visible. But it hasn’t always been that way. Fowler grew up during the era of farm modernization when...
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praying manthis in zinnia

Wildlife-friendly gardens add more enjoyment and interest

Do you enjoy watching bees buzzing around your flowers, butterflies resting in the sun, or a fat toad sitting in a shady spot? Making your garden wildlife-friendly starts with knowing what will attract birds, insects, and animals to your yard. Wildlife needs water, a food source, shelter, and space...
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Fall and winter deer damage

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Deer hunting season is upon us, and so it seems appropriate to do an article about deer damage to landscape plants. Fall and winter are a time when deer can cause significant damage to landscape plants. Two types of damage can occur...
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Choose treatment properly for moles

Moles become active each spring, with tunnels appearing as raised areas of soil in lawns and garden beds. "Questions about mole control are probably the most common question I've received in my 27 years with University of Illinois Extension," says Rhonda Ferree, Extension Educator in Horticulture...
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