The Farmers Market Food Safety Guide was developed to provide standards, guidelines and consistent information to Illinois vendors and market managers to provide fresh, safe and quality food to the consumer. In an effort to bolster local food entrepreneurship while ensuring food safety, the Farmers Market Food Safety Guide offers advice on food items that may be sold, conditions that must be met at the point of sale and helpful tips on food safety. The guide also contains information regarding some of the risks involved with foods often distributed at farmers markets and basic guidance on safe transportation, delivery and display of foods.
The Farmers Market Food Safety Guide represents a collaborative effort between the Illinois Department of Public Health’s (IDPH) Food, Dairies, and Devices Section and a joint membership of representatives from county farmers markets, agricultural production associations and local health departments. A special thanks to local health departments, IDPH, Illinois Department of Agriculture, Illinois Farmers Market Association, Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois Specialty Growers Association, University of Illinois Extension, The Land Connection and all other organizations that made updating this document possible.