The big question on everyone’s mind is whether the peach crop has been affected by the recent cold snap. Experience tells us -9°F is the benchmark temperature of concern for peaches, where there is an ever-increasing risk of bloom thinning and cambial damage as temperatures approach and drop past it. Much of the region received at least 1.5” of rain since the beginning of the year, so soil was fairly soggy from recent rain just prior to the temperature dropping rapidly from the upper 40s on Saturday, the 13th, down to single digits. Temperatures continued to drop throughout the holiday weekend, with morning lows on Sunday and Monday both reported from just below freezing to -10°F. Bare ground soil temperature at 4” is below freezing at 27.8°F according to the Illinois State Water Survey. Other possible crops affected by recent temperature lows are blackberries and plums. Apples are very cold tolerant and should be unaffected by the cold to date. The photo, taken by E. Wahle, shows dormant buds on 'Crimson Crisp' apple. Horseradish harvest is delayed until soils unfreeze and dry a bit.