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Connection Corner

Conversation Starters for a New Year

During this unique time in history, households are often spending more time together at home, yet may not be having as much interaction with other extended family members and friends. Some families are experiencing additional stressors, while others may be enjoying a slower pace with less outside activities.

One tool that is helpful for families in all these situations is effective communication. Even households who are spending more time at home together may not actually be communicating more, as working from home, remote learning and technology distractions all impact time spent together.

One way to be more intentional about family communication is to make time either during a meal or other times throughout the day to have conversations together. Below are some conversation starts to help families learn more about each other and spend time talking together.

  • What are you most proud of?
  • What are three words you would use to describe our family?
  • What makes you feel better when you are upset?
  • Do you have a favorite family tradition?
  • If you could travel to any period in history, what time would you travel to?

Throughout the year, we will continue to provide additional conversation starters for your family. If you enjoy this time of family conversation time, there are additional free conversation starters available from Iowa State University Extension.


Conversation Starters: Part 2