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Farmer walking in a field

Farmer leads the way in environmental conservation efforts

Commercial row-crop agriculture and environmental conservation are not mutually exclusive. While large-scale farming operations can sometimes have negative environmental impacts, many farmers are increasingly adopting sustainable practices that promote biodiversity and ecosystem health. ...
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Group of smiling youth posing for the camera

Growing together: The impact of 4-H on young learners

The 4-H Cloverbud program, designed for youth ages 5 to 7, is an important first step for young children to explore the world of 4-H and set the foundation for future involvement. Through a variety of hands-on activities and age-appropriate projects, Cloverbuds build relationships with their peers...
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profile pic of extension professional

Tara Heath promoted to Extension crops educator

The agriculture industry continues to change rapidly, impacting everyone from the producers to the industry professionals to the food consumers. University of Illinois Extension is growing its team of commercial agriculture educators to provide research-based, unbiased information to landowners,...
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