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New webinar series connects stakeholders to educators

In the past year, three new educators have joined the University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit team. This new team of six worked together recently to showcase the expanded programs and knowledge base they offer locally to help make people and communities better. The 5-...
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Livestock Judging Team group photo

Fulton County 4-H Livestock Judging Team delivers results

Communication. Confidence. Character. These are some of the skills and traits that Fulton County 4-H Livestock Judging Coach Robyn Hendel has been fostering in her team members since 2014. The Fulton County 4-H Livestock Judging Team is a 4-H Special Interest (SPIN) Club that focuses on judging...
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Rebecca Crumrine staff photo

Rebecca Crumrine promoted to Extension educator

It is hard to comprehend how many people’s lives have been positively impacted by Rebecca Crumrine since 2017 when she was hired by University of Illinois Extension as an instructor to teach Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program—Education (SNAP-Education). In five short years Rebecca worked her...
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People attending a workshop

Trauma & Food training held through Food Pantry Network

When working in the charitable food system, one often focuses on a very important goal – nourishing neighbors in need. However, the needs of guests may go beyond physical nourishment. Food Pantry Network-HOI provided professional development to pantry managers and volunteers to help them better...
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