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Conservation@Home Member Spotlight: Ellen and John Denler

Ellen Denler standing next to her Conservation at Home sign

By Ellen Denler, Extension Master Gardener, serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell counties

My husband John and I live in the house in which I grew up. The original part of the house was built in 1878 and has had five generations of my family living here. Located on a corner lot (105' X 55') in Pekin, all sides of the garden are open to public view. Because of that when I first embraced a "prairie style," I was careful that the yard didn't look "messy." 

I became interested in natives when I visited Master Gardener Pat Alexander's yard. I saw many plants I didn't recognize and had never even heard of! She briefly explained their benefits and encouraged my conservation journey by giving me several of her natives. I began ordering plants from Prairie Moon Nursery in Minnesota and locally from Pleasant Prairie Nursery in Williamsfield. I chose plants based on their descriptions and benefits.
My perceptions of a garden's purpose was radically transformed. I no longer used something  just because it was popular and pretty. I didn't garden just to please myself. I developed my own "national park" as Doug Tallamy suggests. It is a pleasure to sit on our porch and watch pollinators and birds visit our Joe Pyes, bergamots, little blue stems, and that alien looking rattlesnake master.
I became interested in the Conservation at Home program because it encourages just what I had discovered--it's not about having the prettiest or tidiest yard. It's about having a useful yard.