Whether you receive or give a gift of cut flowers, it is nice to know how to make them last. A few simple steps will keep your Valentine’s Day blooms fresher, longer.
Clean Start
Pick your vase based on the size of the bouquet and be sure to remove any debris from previous arrangements and thoroughly clean the inside of the vase. This prevents the water from quickly being contaminated, which jeopardizes the health and longevity of your cut flowers.
Fill the container with clean, cool water and add the provided packet of floral preservative or a half-cap of regular bleach. Either one will help keep the water free of contamination.
Make the Cut
Before you place those flowers in the vase, a new cut needs to be made. Cuts should be made underwater, using a large clean container filled with water to prevent any air bubbles from entering the stem and disrupting water uptake to the flowers themselves. Do not use the kitchen sink as it is not as clean as you think.
The clean cut will need to remove at least one inch of stem; possibly longer depending on how they fit the vase. It is important not to crush or splinter the stem in the process. Soft stems, like carnations, can be easily cut using kitchen shears, while woody stems, like those of a rose, may need a pair of pruners to get the job done.
Immediately cut or strip away any foliage that would be below the container’s water level, and add the stem to the vase of water. Leaves under water will quickly die, contaminating the water in the vase.
Keep it Fresh
To maximize the beauty of your fresh flowers, change the water every two to three days, removing any wilting flowers and fallen leaves. You can make new cuts to remaining stems and add in any remaining preservative or a new half-cap of bleach to the water.
Flowers vary greatly on how long they will last in an arrangement. There are multiple factors that impact longevity, but there are general estimates that may help when choosing or maintaining a bouquet.
Carnations and mums are hardy and may last up to two weeks, while delicate daffodil and narcissus blooms last about four to eight days. Popular choices of Gerberas and roses have a wider range, lasting between four and twelve days. Another thing to note, red roses seem to look better longer over time than white roses.
As time goes on, consider moving the flowers to a smaller vase to help the arrangement look full even after taking away those faded blooms. Proper care allows more time to enjoy this gift of natural beauty.
About the author: Richard Hentschel’s expertise extends across several subject areas with specialties in lawn care, fruit tree production, woody ornamentals, and home and community gardening. During his 45-year career in horticulture and agriculture, Hentschel became a well-known and respected expert for commercial and homeowner audiences, industry organizations, and media. He retired from University of Illinois Extension in April 2022 with nearly 30 years of service as a Horticulture Specialist and Educator in northern Illinois.