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Warm Summer, Cold Coffee

There's nothing like an iced coffee on a hot summer's day! It's even better with the windows down and the music turned up. I've been getting a lot of use out of my cold-brew coffee maker (thank you wonderful boyfriend of mine!) and have been experimenting with different flavor combinations.

There's a lot to love about cold-brews. Here's a few:

1. Cold-brews are less acidic than regular (drip) coffee. 67% less! If you have issues with stomach acid, try cold-brews for a change. You can also use tea leaves instead of beans in your cold-brew systems.

2. Hot-brewed coffee tends to turn bitter due to the acids and oils extracted during the heating process. Cold-brew systems extract flavor from the beans but leave the bitter elements behind! This research was done by a chemical engineering graduate of Cornell University.

3. Cold-brews are balanced and smooth and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks or heated and flavored with your favorite ingredients. Perfect for making large batches in advance and using up during busy work weeks.

Shake It Up With These Enticing Infusions (place ingredients in a mason jar with ice, shake and enjoy)

  • Coco Hydro- cold-brew, coconut water and chocolate syrup (I like dark chocolate)
  • My spin on the Miél- cold-brew, toasted coconut almond milk, cinnamon and honey
  • The Herbalist- cold-brew, pinch of sugar and your favorite herbs (mint, lemon verbena, Thai basil, etc.)
  • Laura Palmer (a spin on the classic Arnold Palmer)- 3:2 ratio of cold-brew to lemonade
  • Thai Taste- cold-brew, Thai basil leaves and sweetened condensed milk (adjust to taste)
  • The Puritan- cold-brew and water on the rocks.

The options are endless. You can make blended versions of the ones listed above or even use your cold-brew in desserts such as tiramisu, brownies and layered parfaits. Just make sure you have your to-do list ready after drinking all this coffee!!