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How to Create a Sensual Sleep Sanctuary

When I hear someone is going to remodel a room in their home, it is rarely the bedroom. It's usually the kitchen or some other living area that is frequented during waking hours. However, the bedroom can play a major role in the quality and quantity of sleep and ultimately long-term health.

There are many little things you can do to make your bedroom more relaxing and conducive to a good night's rest so you can wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. The Better Sleep Council recommends following your senses when analyzing your sleep environment.

May is Better Sleep Month and the perfect time to evaluate your current bedroom.

Light: It's a natural alarm clock and can disrupt deep and restful sleep.

Here are some lighting considerations:

  • Is your room as dark as possible? Are outside lights creeping through your blinds?
  • Are the T.V. and hallway lights turned off?
  • Are there any alarm clocks near your bed emitting bright lights throughout the night?

Touch has to do with the comfort and quality of your bed; a critical component of the bedroom. If you've had better sleep in a hotel or regularly wake with aches and may be time to invest in a new mattress. The Better Sleep Council recommends investing in a new mattress every 7 years. Other considerations would be choosing a bed big enough for you (and a partner) and whether or not your bed is showing signs of wear and tear.

Smell: scents can play a major role in our mood and unpleasant odors could impact your sleep even if you have grown to 'block them out'. Pleasant odors such as lavender can help with relaxation. Find calming scents and incorporate them into your sensual sanctuary. Some scents I like for this purpose are: lavender, vetiver, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, rose and frankincense. I will sometimes diffuse essential oils or add these oils to my dryer balls when doing laundry.

Taste: This has to do with personal touches and creating a space that reflects your personality. You may be drawn to bright, flashy colors but they may not be the best choice when creating a calm environment. It's good to have personal touches but you don't want a cluttered room either so make sure it's well organized.

Additional Tips for Restful Sleep:

  • Your bed should not double as a desk, dining room table or couch
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine right before bed
  • Eat a balanced diet and nothing too heavy before lying down
  • Stick to light activities such as yoga and stretching
  • Feeling anxious? Try taking a bath and writing down what's on your mind
  • Last but not least, make sleep a priority. It's an appointment you should never miss! Research from the National Sleep Foundation indicates that "being motivated and having a bedtime routine was associated with more sleep and higher sleep quality even among those with more sever pain."