Explore how technology is driving the agriculture industry.
Technology, data, and local resources are the themes for the Agronomy Summit stop on Jan. 21 at Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield. Attendees will hear research updates from university experts to gain insightful tips for making farm management decisions.
Illinois Extension has worked to increase agriculture staff numbers to reach more local farmers and open communication channels. With those channels established, events like Agronomy Summits can be more customized, and staff can deliver updates on relevant topics that farmers are experiencing on their farms today.
Attendees will walk away from summit events with research updates, resources, and new connections in their communities. The event is built to provide agriculturalists with tools and management considerations for continued farming success.
Springfield Agenda
8:30 a.m. Registration
9:00 Get to know Logan, Menard, and Sangamon County Extension's ag program
Presenter: Reagen Tibbs
9:30 What’s happening in the Lincoln Land Ag Program?
Presenter: Liz Stamberger
10:00 Impact of Cover Crops on Selected Ecosystem Services and Role in a Bioeconomy
Presenter: Rob Rhykerd
10:30 Break
10:45 Farmdoc Update
Presenter: Jonathan Coppess
11:30 What's with the Wind?
Presenter: Trent Ford
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:00 Opportunities for Farmers and Crop Advisors to Work with the Data-Intensive Farm
Management Project in On-farm Precision Experimentation
Presenter: Dave Bullock
1:45 p.m. Emerging Technologies in Farming
Presenter: Dennis Bowman
2:30 Adjourn
Continuing education units are available for Certified Crop Advisers at the in-person event. The cost to attend is $30, and registration is required by Jan. 14 at go.illinois.edu/AGSSpringfield. Registration includes all presentations and lunch for the Springfield location.
About Agronomy Summits
Expanding from one event in northern Illinois last year to now six, Illinois Extension Agronomy Summits are touring throughout the state this January 2025. Attendees can expect topical sessions filled with the latest research updates from various crop science experts at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Illinois Extension, as well as additional university and industry professionals.
Additional Summit Locations
- Peoria Agronomy Summit | Jan. 14
- Southwestern Agronomy Summit | Waterloo, Jan. 16
- Oglesby Agronomy Summit | Jan. 23
- Southeastern Agronomy Summit | Albion, Jan. 28
- Northwest Illinois Agronomy Summit | Freeport, Jan. 29