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Blog Posts

fruit in water
Read article: Tips for staying hydrated during the heatwave
Tips for staying hydrated during the heatwave
Staying hydrated is a concern all year round, but especially in the summer when it is hot outside....
a line up of dairy free milk options and milk splatter over top
Read article: Exploring dairy and dairy-free alternatives: A guide to your options
Exploring dairy and dairy-free alternatives: A guide to your options
June is Dairy Month, a perfect time to explore the wide variety of dairy and dairy-free options available. Whether you enjoy traditional dairy...
Read article: Why Shop at a Farmer's Market?
Why Shop at a Farmer's Market?
It’s fresh. It’s healthy. It’s fun. And it’s good for the local economy! With food recalls in the news frequently, it’s never been more important to...
sun shining on water faucet dripping water
Read article: From field to faucet: The critical role farmers play in protecting our water
From field to faucet: The critical role farmers play in protecting our water
Farmers have a huge role to play in keeping our waters clean.  According to the National Water Quality Assessment, agricultural runoff is the...

News Releases

A blueprint drawing of a brain floating above a hand and a bowl of healthy foods.
Illinois Extension offers tips to boost your brainpower
DANVILLE, Ill — Looking to sharpen your mind and boost your brainpower? This double-feature event tackles both cognitive health and nutrition! Illinois Extension's Family Life and Nutrition and Wellness Teams are bringing an...
bunch of herbs on left side with a tan background. on right side is a basket with a variety of garden produce
Maximize flavor with culinary herbs
Are you looking for ways to make healthier meals without giving up flavor? It can be as simple as adding a few herbs to your favorite dish instead of salt. Or cut the amount of sugar by adding items like vanilla and cinnamon.Making small changes,...
photo of a pressure canner lid on a blue and orange background
Home Food Preservation Workshop on Pressure Canning with Green Beans
If you find yourself with a bumper crop of green beans, consider preserving them and enjoying them throughout the coming year. Green beans can be dehydrated, frozen, pickled, or canned for long-term storage. If you are planning on canning your green beans, they, like most...

