The Illinois 4-H Foundation established the Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame in 2005 to honor and celebrate extraordinary 4-H alumni, volunteers, and former 4-H staff. Nominations for the Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame are made by University of Illinois Extension staff.
Bob and Velynna Spangler of rural Ellisville are this year’s inductees from Fulton County. They have been leaders of the Checkrow Volunteers 4-H Club for 22 years, along with Bob’s parents, Bruce and Sharon Spangler.Their club is very active with many projects, both livestock and general, and they do community service work. Bob has also assisted with 4-H Shooting Sports, and Velynna has mentored members in the Performing Arts Project. Both have assisted at 4-H Steer Weigh-ins and have served as committee members, 4-H judges, and in other ways. They have four adult children and eight grandchildren.
Seventy-one people were added this year to the Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame. Each inductee receives a commemorative Hall of Fame medallion. They were honored at a virtual ceremony August 17.
4-H is the largest out-of-school educational program for youth in the United States. 4-H assists youth in acquiring knowledge, forming attitudes, and developing life skills that will enable them to become caring, competent, and contributing members of society. Volunteers like the Spanglers make the 4-H Program possible.
For information on how to get involved in Fulton County 4-H, call the University of Illinois Extension office in Lewistown at 309-547-3711.