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Connection Corner 2021

Relationship fingers info graphic

Help children be mindful of others with Relationship Fingers

Relationship Fingers is another example of a mindfulness exercise to help youth intentionally focus on their relationships with people near and far, as well as themselves. Start by holding out your hand with your thumb pointed towards yourself. Take a breath. For each finger, you will be focusing...
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black history month info graphic

Celebrate and learn more during Black History Month

February is Black History Month –a month when we celebrate the achievements of present day African Americans, as well as their important roles in history. It is a great time to set the foundation for recognizing and celebrating the contributions of African Americans throughout the entire year....
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Journaling Ideas blog header

5 types of journals to try for yourself

"It’s almost February! Where did the month go? What happened to my New Year’s resolutions?" Do you find yourself thinking this, too? If so, starting a journal is a great way to help keep track of your time and your progress. Plus, there are tons of benefits to journaling! Lower levels of stress...
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quote by Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day with Acts of Service

The civil rights leader, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Everybody can be great because everyone can serve.”  Many families and organizations come together on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK Day) to practice service to others. Although there might not be as many community-wide...
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family playing the snow

Outdoor Winter Activities

Feeling a little stir crazy? It’s time to bundle up the family and head outside! Research shows that spending time in nature has huge benefits for both children and adults. Increased physical activity, decreased feelings of anxiety, improved family connectedness, and higher cognitive functioning...
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Conversation Starters for a New Year

During this unique time in history, households are often spending more time together at home, yet may not be having as much interaction with other extended family members and friends. Some families are experiencing additional stressors, while others may be enjoying a slower pace with less outside...
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Family Connection Kits

Connection Corner Kits Available

Social distancing during the pandemic, though necessary, has caused social and emotional side effects that have been felt by all of us – perhaps especially by our young people. University of Illinois Extension and 4-H serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell Counties have created a new program...
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