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The Nutrition Nosh 2017

Enjoy the season of Fall actively!

Get your 30 minutes a day of activity and  enjoy the season of Fall! Fall weather, cool and crisp in the morning and beautiful 70's in the afternoons! Take advantage by getting some fall activity. Spend some of your valuable time taking a walk after dinner Attend a local farmers market...
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Why test your pressure canner gauge each year?

It's food preservation season!  With all the work it takes to preserve garden foods, make sure you are off to successful canning season; get your pressure canner gauge tested. Reason for testing; pressure canning is for low-acid foods. Low-acid foods include...
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Meals for a Healthy Heart, learn about Triglycerides

February is American Heart Health MonthJoin our class, Meals for a Healthy Heart and learn about Triglycerides Locally, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality. Within Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall and Putnam Counties, 17% of residents, 65+...
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Treat your heart to a cup of healthy soup!

Healthy Soup for a Strong Heart We are in the month of February, and that means American Heart Month! The message is to take extra care of our heart this month! One suggestion is to become more aware of sodium for better heart...
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Make a Healthy Valentines Dessert...Strawberry Crepes!

Hello everyone! It is that special time of year, where love fills the air…Valentine's Day is here. Try this inventive sweet idea for someone special in your life. Serve homemade crepes with a favorite topping. Use low-fat dairy to decrease saturated fat in your diet. Adding fruit...
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DASH, Mediterranean and now the MIND Diet!

DASH, Mediterranean and now the MIND Diet! A new diet, known as the MIND diet, could significantly lower a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, according to a paper published in March in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. The MIND diet...
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