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Welcome to My Jungle 2017

Welcome to My Jungle-February 2017

Winter is still with us but a number of winter interest plants are already brightening an otherwise sleeping garden. Winter blooming plants like witch hazel (Hamamelis), hellebore (Helleborus), mahonia (Mahonia), Japanese pieris (Pieris), and paperbush (...
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Winemaking Fundamentals Symposium

August 1, 2017 10 AM – 5 PM Trutter Center, Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield IL Are you ready to take your wines to the next level? IGGVA Enologist Bradley Beam, along with Scott Laboratories resident expert Michael Jones, SIU Fermentation Science Institute professor Dr. Katherine...
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Welcome to My Jungle - May 2017

Birds are arriving from their winter home to add their beauty and song to my landscape. I hope that I have created a suitable environment for them to complete a successful breeding season. A ruby throated hummingbird alerted me to his presence very recently, so I dropped everything to put out...
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Vegetable Field Day - 2017

PLACE: Vegetable Crops Research Farm at Champaign, IL DATE:  August 17, 2017 TIME: 1:30 – 3:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS: All at Research Plots of Pumpkins                Squash...
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Welcome to My Jungle - July 2017

It is one thing to see food in the produce isle, it is altogether different to see that same edible portion growing on the plant. I have worked with specialty crops much of my adult life, but I have never lost my fascination of plants that produce food. Who can't stare in awe at a tree full of...
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Welcome to My Jungle-January 2017

Winter has barely started, but it is already time to begin the planning process for starting vegetable transplants. Very hardy vegetables like broccoli and cabbage can be planted outdoors without protection 4-6 weeks before the last average frost-free date, which means transplants need to be seeded...
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Welcome to My Jungle - April 2017

Sticker shock, but definitely worth it! Some plants like lady slippers, a.k.a. hardy terrestrial orchids, can be relatively pricy in the world of herbaceous perennials (think ITOH and herbaceous yellow peony prices), and when combined with some very exacting growing conditions, most gardeners aren'...
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Welcome to My Jungle - August 2017

Did you know grape berries reach physiological maturity well before they taste good? Grape berry maturity occurs when seeds are able to germinate, which is immediately after véraison, or initiation of fruit ripening (start of color change). Try tasting a grape berry at this stage. I can guarantee...
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Welcome to My Jungle - December 2017

The medlar (Mespilus germanica) project was a success. I had enough bletted (very ripe but not rotted) fruit from one tree to make a small batch of jelly and try a new dessert bar recipe featuring medlars and walnuts. Having never tasted medlars before, I was worried I would hate the taste...
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Downy Mildew of Basil Detected in Illinois

State pathologist Mohammad Babadoost reports downy mildew of basil was detected in Illinois on July 19th for the first time this season. This disease can spread quickly statewide in wet conditions so growers are advised to begin scouting now. Three registered fungicides; Quadris, Revus, and...
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Boxwood blight confirmed in Illinois

URBANA, Ill. - Boxwood blight, a serious fungal disease, has been confirmed in Illinois. According to a University Diagnostic Outreach Extension Specialist, two boxwood samples were submitted to the University of Illinois Plant Clinic in late 2016. The samples came from Lake and Cook Counties in...
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Farmer, Brewer, Baker & Distiller Grain Summit

An Illinois and Missouri local grains centered day of round-table discussions, networking and inspiration with farmers, brewers, distillers, and bakers. Brought to you by Food Works of Southern Illinois and Regenerate Illinois. Co-Sponsors: Prairie Rivers Network, Fresh Taste, Hewn Bread Bakery,...
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Welcome to My Jungle - September 2017

A personal thank you to the staff and volunteers of Clifftop. I could not have asked for a more beautiful site to view the solar eclipse with my family and friends on Monday, August 21st. A 360° sunset is a site I will never forget. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into making this...
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Welcome To My Jungle - March 2017

Dwarfing rootstocks have always fascinated me, and the sweet cherry trees in my jungle really demonstrate their useful versatility. I have three sweet cherry trees and they are all similar in age, but they are all on different rootstocks, making them extremely different in size. My largest sweet...
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Welcome to My Jungle - October 2017

It's that time of year when all gardeners need to start thinking about tender perennials and what their fate is to be. Do you overwinter them or do you let Mother Nature shorten their life? How much time do you have? Well not much. In the St Louis Metro East, about 90% of the time, the first frost...
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