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Simply Nutritious, Quick and Delicious 2015

Want Your Kids to Eat Healthier? Get Them in the Kitchen!

This week's blog post is written by University of Illinois student intern, Brett Loman. Sometimes it's just easier to have your kids play in the other room while you throw dinner together, but are you making the right choice? Recent research suggests that kids who are involved in meal...
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Cilantro Lover or Hater?

Cilantro is an herb that most people either love or hate. And some studies have indicated that the haters may actually have good reason; people with certain odor-detecting genes pick up a soapy smell and taste when they eat cilantro. However, scientists agree that although someone may have this...
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Should You Sneak Vegetables in Your Child's Foods?

Getting your child to eat vegetables can be a challenging task. If you've ever seen them dig a hole in their pile of cooked carrots or shovel some peas underneath their plate to make it look like they've actually eaten them, you may have considered hiding a few veggies in some of their favorite...
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Grocery Store Trips with the Kids? No Problem!

This blog post is written by Taylor Streitmatter, student-intern from Illinois State University! Its summer, the children are home all day, and their little fingers seem to make food disappear from your cabinets and refrigerator faster than it did during the school year. This may mean...
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Grilling Up Kebabs (or Kebobs!)

There's just something about eating food on a stick that brings out your inner child-being. Popsicles, corndogs, and cotton candy were kid-favorites, but now that you're an adult, you may have a bit more refined tastes. Kebabs (or kebobs) can satisfy your fun-loving nature and grown-up taste buds....
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Mad for Mango!

Mangoes are a sweet and juicy tropical fruit grown in many parts of the world. While you may not see many of them grown here in the States, we can still get a taste of them thanks to countries like Mexico, Brazil, Haiti, and Ecuador, which harvest mango crops year round. When buying mangoes, look...
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First Taste of Spring

This week's blog post is written by Illinois State University student, Jade Umberger. We made it! Finally, winter is coming to an end, and we are getting our first warm days of spring. March 20th was the official first day of spring, and that can only mean one thing: more warm weather...
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Green Beans Galore!

"I have green beans coming out of my ears!" This is the time of year when the garden is lush that I hear that phrase often. It makes me reminisce back to my childhood days of snapping hundreds of green beans until my tiny fingers hurt. Green beans are actually immature dry beans that taste the...
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Killer Kidney Beans?

Beans are a wonderful source of protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, iron, folate and potassium. Choosing dried beans over canned is generally a healthy idea since canned beans tend to be loaded with sodium. However, certain dried beans can be very harmful if not prepared correctly....
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Wild-Caught or Farm-Raised Fish: Which to Choose?

Buying seafood can be a confusing task. How do you know which has the lowest amount of contaminants, the highest amount of nutrients, and is labeled correctly? These are good questions to ask before feeding your family. Our seafood is either wild-caught or farm-raised. Both methods include strict...
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You Don't Have to Ditch Desserts

By this time, we may already be burnt out on sweets. Sugar cookies, pecan pies, caramels, divinity and fudge have been hard to resist. But with the New Year quickly approaching its time to get back on track. So does that mean we have to forgo all the wonderful sweet treats? Desserts don't have to...
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Benefits of Bulk Bins

Since the grocery store seems to be my home-away-from-home these days, I have no problems telling you the exact layout of all the departments, including where to find the quinoa, hummus and tamari sauce. But I only recently began to notice the bulk bin aisle, an up-and-coming trendy spot to shop....
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Do Frozen Foods Have Less Nutrients?

I'm going to assume that you probably didn't know that during March we celebrate National Frozen Food Day. Yes, there is a day for everything! But thanks to the frozen food industry and modern technology, there's a wide assortment of conveniently packaged and prepared meals, appetizers, desserts...
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Celery and Celery Root

The cost of celery is cheap, making it a staple in kitchens around the world. But it's not just used for making "ants on a log" (peanut butter spread on celery and topped with raisins.) Celery gives a crunch to a salad, or flavor to soups, pot roasts or stir-fries. But what if your recipe calls for...
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Five Simple Steps to Meal Planning

Some people believe that they hate to cook, but often find that what they actually hate is the decision process: What should I fix? What will the whole family eat? What's quick? It's much easier to make those decisions when the plan is already in place. In fact, you may decide that you actually...
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Fruit Juice Not As Nutritious As Once Thought

Fruit juice may be part of your morning breakfast routine, but some argue that even the natural sugar found in 100 percent juice, is partially responsible for the obesity epidemic and the debilitating diseases that may follow. But does the fruits' healthy vitamins and antioxidants trump any...
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Is that a Sweet Potato or a Yam?

Unless you're a foodie like me, it's probably unlikely that your Thanksgiving dinner conversation entailed a hot debate of whether or not you were eating sweet potatoes or yams. "Why isn't it called a yam casserole?" asks my aunt. "Because it's made with sweet potatoes, not yams," I answered. "No,...
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Sloppy Joes: A Quick Dinner Meal

There's probably not too many school cafeterias that aren't serving the classic, sloppy joes. What kid doesn't like a sandwich that has the name "sloppy" in it? But these beefy rolls aren't just for youngsters. They're perfect when needing a quick meal. It's been suggested that the name, 'sloppy...
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A Cornbread Competition

There's a cornbread and chili competition coming up in my office and I've been tinkering with many cornbread recipes, making my husband very happy. Cornbread is quick and easy to make and can have many variations to choose from and hundreds of entrees to pair it with. Cornbread may be considered...
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