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Financial Planning

"Financial Wellness Checkup Campaign" text, with three cartoon hot air balloons and three clouds.

Financial Wellness Checkup – Grow your savings

Tomorrow is the last day of our social media campaign, Financial Wellness Checkup! Over the past five weeks, we have covered several of your favorite personal finance topics, credit management, estate planning, back-to-school planning, and financial exploitation. We are closing out with a focus on...
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Credit score meter with sad face in the red, happy face in the green

Financial Wellness Checkup Campaign

Over the past few months, the economic climate has shifted dramatically with high unemployment rates and other levels of financial instability. The consumer economics team launches a new 5-week social media campaign, Financial Wellness Checkup. The goal of this social media campaign is to promote...
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Woman eating from bowl of popcorn, holding a remote control. "For the love of streaming" written in cursive font.

For the Love of Streaming

My family had been waiting to see the movie, Onward since we saw the first trailer in 2019. One of the local theaters is about a mile from our house, and we love to walk (when the weather permits) or take a short drive to see some of our favorite new movies. Since we couldn’t go to the...
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