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Managing Stress

person holding books walking through a classroom

How to deal with academic burnout and stress

With finals around the corner many students are feeling unmotivated or stressed. It can be hard to finish off the semester strong with such stress and pressure. Sometimes the constant buildup of projects, papers, exams, presentations, etc. can be too overwhelming and cause burnout. There seems to...
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Two candy canes making a heart

Manage holiday stress

With the anticipation of the holidays, there can also be that feeling of dread – how are you going to get everything done on an already busy schedule? For many people, the extensive preparations they engage in to pull off those picture-perfect holidays create so much stress, that they can’t even...
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person writing on paper with pen

What's on your plate?

Have you ever heard someone say, “There’s a lot on my plate,” or “I have too much on my plate?”  Chances are you have even said it yourself.  This idiom generally means there is too much to do, too much going on, or too much to deal with in a person’s life.  In fact, we are all prone...
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view of someone in military boots standing behind child

Tips to help military families cope with stress

While family members of our military service members do not actively serve, they do have a very important job – holding down the fort. Military service members put their lives on the line to protect and serve our country while their families adapt, miss their loved ones, and support them from home...
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someone counting dollars

Five financial tips for single parents

Growing up, I often heard if you want something done well, find the busiest person in the room and ask them. More often than not, that incredible person is a single parent. Single parents are some of the strongest people on this earth and deserve recognition for their hard work and support for...
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family with children and baby smiling at each other

Helpful hints for unifying a blended family

While conflict is bound to happen in all family structures, blended families encounter many unique challenges. Knowing what to expect can help address issues before they spiral out of control. Growing up in a blended family was anything but simple. I witnessed arguments between co-parents, legal...
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