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Text says "Get your fruits and vegetables in by sampling the seasons" and image is of carrots.

Get your fruits and vegetables in by sampling the seasons

There’s something about going to the farmers market that just feels right. Maybe it’s the cool breeze and peek of sunshine in the morning, the calm gathering of people with their adorable babies and furry dogs, or the colorful array of foods that stand in front of the hard-working farmers....
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Turn strawberries into jam and fruit leather and salsa

Turn strawberries into jam and fruit leather and salsa

The strawberries are coming! The strawberries are coming! May is National Strawberry Month so you might start seeing sales or promotions in grocery stores and locally grown strawberries will be available soon at local farmers markets and pick-your-own sites. Like other berries, a wonderfully...
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Puppy chewing on a rope. Chew on this... Practice self-care to manage stress

Practice self-care to manage stress

April is national stress awareness month. As we continue to face new seasons in life, let's take a few minutes to talk about stress and how we can better manage it. Everyone experiences stress. However, each of us experiences stress differently. Stress is how our brain and body respond to any...
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What Onions (and Alliums) to Use When

What onions (and alliums) to use when

Onions can serve as the star in a recipe like onion soup or play a supporting role. For today's post, I'll talk about more common bulb and spring onions, and others in the allium genus, including leeks, shallots, and chives. Nutritionally, a single medium raw bulb onion contains around...
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5 heart healthy breakfast items including oatmeal, protein smoothies, avocado salad on toast and egg scramble wraps

5 heart healthy breakfasts under 5 minutes

Do you feel pressed for time in the morning but still want to enjoy a heart-healthy breakfast? Well I’m here to help! Breakfast is an important part of the day and an opportunity to fill your body with the fuel it needs to accomplish goals and complete daily tasks. The foods you choose influence...
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Getting quality sleep and be ruff - puppy sleeping

How to improve the quality of your sleep

Adequate, quality sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing. Sleep helps the body to heal and restore itself. It is vital for brain and heart health, mood and physical function, and a healthy immune system.  However, as we age, many people report issues related to the amount of time...
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Nutrition and Pumpkins

Pumpkin, a fall favorite

Whether used in a savory soup, added to quick breads, or your beloved family pie, pumpkins are a fall favorite for many, and very versatile. This fruit is packed full of key nutrients our bodies need. Yes, I said fruit. Fun fact, although pumpkins have a nutritional profile like that of a...
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Photo of pregnant woman

What to eat and avoid during pregnancy

Making healthy food choices will help you and your baby’s overall health. What you eat during pregnancy can affect your growing baby. Choosing nutritious foods will help ensure your baby has the best start in life. Eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy and...
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