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Now is the time to check out 4-H

4-H members in Illinois will join the 6 million youth across the country in celebrating National 4-H Week Oct. 2-8. Some of you may currently be involved with 4-H, some may be familiar with it from your past experiences, while others may not have heard of it at all. So let me tell you a little...
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family running through a field of prairie plants

Outdoor fall family activities

Fall is here, the weather is turning cooler, and it is a perfect time to head outside with your family to explore nature. However, it can sometimes be hard to think of activities that will encourage everyone to head outside. Not to worry - this summer our 4-H staff created some amazing outdoor...
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fancy photo of a glass marble reflecting the grass, trees, and sky

Celebrate Earth Day

I had to work last Saturday. As a 4-H staff person, it’s not unusual to have to work on weekends, and I generally don’t mind. However, when I got up on Saturday, I admit that I wasn’t looking forward to it. I was scheduled to meet youth and volunteers from our...
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woman with eyes closed and head resting on folded hands

3 mindfulness techniques to help you reset

In my family, when interactions start to escalate or an argument is spiraling out of control, you can often hear one of us say the words, “Can we have a restart?” That’s a sign that someone has recognized this interaction isn’t headed in a good direction and we need to take a step back.  Being able...
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Easy DIY gifts this holiday season

The old saying it is better to give than to receive is something that has always resonated with me. I love to give gifts and I especially love giving an item that I have created by hand. Making gifts can be time consuming, and with the holidays are upon us, time is running short to create any...
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line of pumpkins with words Spooky STEM activities

Try these spooky STEM activities with your little goblins

I love Halloween! The costumes, the decorations, the candy, the jokes (Why did the ghost starch his sheet? He wanted everyone scared stiff.) – it’s all great!  But this year, why not take some time out from the spooky tricks and sweet treats to include a little learning amongst all the mayhem? Try...
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It's Fall Y'all! info graphic

It’s fall, y’all – Time to create a fall family fun list

I don’t know about things in your neck of the woods, but here in Central Illinois, the indications of autumn are everywhere! The shorter days are marked with bright blue skies and a crisp breeze, mums adorn doorsteps, and there’s pumpkin spice everything! In case these tell-tale signs don’t ring...
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Prepare to protect the people you love

“In case of emergency” is a phrase that we’re all familiar with. So familiar, in fact, that we sometimes just ignore it. That “emergency” seems so unlikely and far off – and we have stuff to deal with right now! But – as the past weeks and months have shown us – emergencies happen all the time. As...
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a family picking up trash in the park

Encourage volunteering in your family

Volunteering together can be a great way for families to spend time with each other.  Additionally, volunteering as a family has been shown to significantly impact the amount teens volunteers. America’s Promise found that 81% of teens who had one adult family member or role model who volunteered...
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3 ways to be more mindful this summer

Summer days can often go by so quickly and before you know it, the busy schools days return.  Here are three ways that you can slow down the pace of your summer, spend time in nature, and enjoy the world around you. Cloud watching  Lay a blanket out on the grass and look at the clouds above you...
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young man and old man with arms across shoulders

6 ways to celebrate the fathers in your life

Father’s Day in the United State is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. This year it will fall on June 20, 2021. It is a time to celebrate the fathers or father figures in your life, which could include dads, step-fathers, grandpas, uncles, brothers, and other role models. Taking time out to...
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5 ways to celebrate Memorial Day with your family

Memorial Day weekend is often seen as a time to get together with family and as the unofficial start to summer. However, there is much more to the history of Memorial Day than picnics, barbecues, and family gatherings.  Our colleagues at Michigan State University wrote a great article about the...
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Make the most of summer break with a family garden

The school year is coming to a close. And what a year it has been! We’ve all faced periods of isolation, bouts of anxiety, and tons of screen time – even (or especially) our kids. As things slowly return to normal, we have the opportunity to use summer break as a time for healing and re-connection...
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3 things to take time to do as you graduate

Those of you graduating in 2021 have achieved so much! You have learned to adjust your way of learning during a pandemic, found creative solutions to obstacles and challenges, and developed innovative ways to support and encourage each other. That’s a lot!  In 4-H, we often talk about the three...
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4 ways to celebrate Moms

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 9, 2021. Do something special this weekend to show the Moms in your life how much you appreciate all that they do! Brighten Up Her View – Whether she has a sprawling backyard vista or a simple window in the kitchen, giving mom fun and beautiful things to look at...
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3 ways to spread kindness this May Day

There are many customs and traditions surrounding May Day going back to the Roman era, from decorating a May Pole to collecting cuttings from flowering trees. However, a favorite in our family is delivering May Day baskets to neighbors and friends.  We would make a paper basket and fill it with...
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New questions to get your kids talking

We’ve all been there. The family comes together at the end of a long day at school or work and you’re looking forward to connecting with the people you love most. You ask about their days, eager to hear details about the part of their lives you don’t get to see. Instead, you are met with the...
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Poetry can be a wonderful a way to express your feelings

An “I Am” poem is a type of personal poem in which the author describes themselves through a series of prompts. Writing and sharing these are a wonderful way for the author to express themselves and feel known, and for readers or listeners to gain insights about their loved ones. Writing these may...
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5 reasons to celebrate your pet

Give your pet some extra attention this week because April 11 is National Pet Day! And our fondness for our furry, feathered, scaled or finned friends isn’t the only reason to celebrate. Pets benefit our physical, mental, and social health in measurable ways. Here are just a few of the positives...
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Joy Project text on sunset with tree on horizon

Joy Project promotes mental, emotional, and social health

Stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and answer the question: What brings you joy? After the year we’ve all had, this might be a tough question to answer – or at least one that you haven’t given as much attention as you might like. It’s been a year filled with anxiety and...
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3 ways to encourage laughter in your family

April’s Fool Day!  What better day to talk about the importance of humor? You have probably heard the phrase, “Laughter is the best medicine”.  History shows us that people have understood the healing benefits of laughter for a very long time. As early as the 1300’s, a professor of surgery, Henri...
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Learn and practice box breathing technique

Deep breathing is a great way to calm anxious minds and bodies. Plus, it can create a moment to be mindful. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing your attention on the here and now. We spend so much time focusing on the future. Can we finish our “to do” list? Will I do well on tomorrow’s...
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Make your own snow day

Is February making you feel gloomy or cooped-up? Take a snow day! You don’t have to have the day off work or school to have some wintery fun. Here are a few ideas to lift your spirits! Play Tic-Tac-Snow: Draw a grid on fresh snow, and use pinecones and pine needles to create X’s and O’s. Make...
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Help children be mindful of others with Relationship Fingers

Relationship Fingers is another example of a mindfulness exercise to help youth intentionally focus on their relationships with people near and far, as well as themselves. Start by holding out your hand with your thumb pointed towards yourself. Take a breath. For each finger, you will be focusing...
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Valentine's Day Activity - Interview Your Grandparents

Valentine’s Day is a time to focus on love! But the joys of February 14 don’t have to stop with romantic love. It’s a great time to celebrate loving relationships of all kinds! One relationship that is sometimes taken for granted in the special connection between grandparents and grandchildren....
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Celebrate and learn more during Black History Month

February is Black History Month –a month when we celebrate the achievements of present day African Americans, as well as their important roles in history. It is a great time to set the foundation for recognizing and celebrating the contributions of African Americans throughout the entire year....
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5 types of journals to try for yourself

"It’s almost February! Where did the month go? What happened to my New Year’s resolutions?" Do you find yourself thinking this, too? If so, starting a journal is a great way to help keep track of your time and your progress. Plus, there are tons of benefits to journaling! Lower levels of stress...
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quote by Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day with Acts of Service

The civil rights leader, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Everybody can be great because everyone can serve.”  Many families and organizations come together on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK Day) to practice service to others. Although there might not be as many community-wide...
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Conversation Starters for a New Year

During this unique time in history, households are often spending more time together at home, yet may not be having as much interaction with other extended family members and friends. Some families are experiencing additional stressors, while others may be enjoying a slower pace with less outside...
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Holiday activities with your family

Things may look different this year and traditional holiday activities you normally do may not be happening in the same way. That doesn’t mean you can’t make your own holiday memories at home. Check out the 4-H At Home Activity Guide,...
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