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Financial Planning

tax worksheet

Tax time financial review and decisions

As the April 15 tax deadline has just passed, most people have filed their income tax returns. What are you planning to do with your tax refund or how are you planning to pay any tax amount due? Knowing what to expect when filing your taxes can help you plan what decisions to make next. If you...
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New Year’s financial refresh

With the start of a new year, you should take some time to think about your financial wellness in addition to your overall health. Do you feel like you are in a good place financially? If you are not happy with your current financial situation, how could you change things this year to get on the...
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couple looking at each other's phones

Pay down debt or invest my money?

Should I pay extra on my student loan or invest in a Roth IRA? Build up an emergency savings fund or pay off my credit card debt? Pay off my mortgage or put more money in my 401(k) retirement plan? In one form or another, the trending question lately has been, "Is it better to pay down debt or...
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Person in forest looking at two different paths

Stress-test your financial plans

When I faced a major life decision of deciding whether or not to retire, looking at my financial situation was a big factor in the decision. I estimated what my future expenses would be and compared those against my expected income. I did a net worth statement, which forced me to...
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Umbrellas in sky

Steps to choose health insurance

Purchasing health insurance requires choosing which insurance plan works best for you, whether you are choosing from your workplace options or from the marketplace. Before you make your decision, think about what is important to you: Which doctors and/or hospitals are accessible with each...
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Balanced rocks on beach

Finding financial balance

Money is a topic that impacts almost everyone. Learning what you value and how to balance your individual wants and needs with your available financial resources can impact your overall personal financial well-being. Many people are not feeling comfortable with their finances at the present time...
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stormy clouds over field

Weathering the unexpected

I grew up in Jamaica, where one of the seasons is fondly referred to as the “rainy season,” which seemed like most of the year. Hurricanes, flash floods, earthquakes, and tropical storms are prevalent in the Caribbean. As a young child, I remember the adjustments my dad would make to our house. He...
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Winter checklist: tips for a warm, safe home

Winterize your home: winter weather checklist

With the way this year has been going, I wanted to get a head start on preparing my home for cold temperatures before old man winter makes a full appearance. Taking steps to get your house ready for colder weather can save you money and help you and your family stay safe and...
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Estate Planning - Financial Wellness Checkup

Estate Planning is one of the most overlooked pieces of a holistic financial plan. It could be because we’re not only discussing money, but also death. Two of the most unfriendly topics in finances. With, estate planning is a really important part of finances, without a will, your estate can end up...
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minor child walking down the sidewalk

Naming a Guardian for your Minor Child

Choosing someone to raise your child in the event you die is a daunting task.  While godparents can be a potential choice for a guardian, without documentation from your will to nominate a personal guardian, your wishes may not be honored. Below are a few pieces of information I gathered from...
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dog and cat cuddling

Pets: Care, Costs, & Cuddles

For as long as I can remember, we’ve always had a furry companion in my household. Whether it was a cat, dog, bird, or fish, having a pet as a companion can make many people happier. Having said that, pets have expenses to keep a pet healthy, happy, and safe. Costs There are many...
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Woman streaming television eating popcorn

For the Love of Streaming

My family had been waiting to see the movie, Onward since we saw the first trailer in 2019. One of the local theaters is about a mile from our house, and we love to walk (when the weather permits) or take a short drive to see some of our favorite new movies. Since we couldn’t go to the theater when...
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Bills piling up

Which Bills to Pay First?

At different times in our life, seasons can get tough financially. If you find that you’re unable to make ends meet, you may have to make some tough decisions about which bills get paid before others. If you’re in this situation, here are some choices to consider. Pay Basic Essentials...
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Grocery bag filled with vegetables, eggs, and fruit

Shopping for Groceries Online

Recently grocery stores have started offering a variety of services to help you shop. You can choose to shop online, pay online, have the grocery items delivered to your house and/or pick up your groceries at the store. Who knew you didn’t have to trek up and down the aisles to buy groceries! Here...
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What to do with $1200? Hand holding $20 dollar bills.

What to Do with $1,200?

Stop! Before you go too far planning your spending of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act payment, let’s take a look at the big picture. Unfortunately, the current economic downturn will be a reality for many months. Now is the time to strategize how best to manage this...
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lipsticks all red, pink colors

What's The Cost? Cheap Counterfeit Cosmetics

Cosmetics may seem like a great gift for a teen, tween, sister, wife, girlfriend or any woman in your life, but with the rise of counterfeit cosmetics, a low price for a typically high end product may end up hurting a loved one or yourself. The...
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Podcast Who Should Pay for College?

Who Should Pay for College Expenses?

Do you think the student should pay for their own college expenses?  Or is it the parents’ responsibilities?  This is a tough question! Sasha Grabenstetter and I discuss this in the latest Family Financial Feuds podcast, ...
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Summer Employment: Saving with Your Youth

What summer jobs have you done? Why did you choose those jobs? I have worked many summer jobs over the years to save and pay off debt. This type of seasonal work is important to our economy, and it has important personal financial effects on youth and their families. July is the summertime peak...
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