Just like growers who attend winter meetings to increase their knowledge and skills, Extension educators are continuously learning new or updated information to provide current, relevant research-based information to individuals, families, and groups that we serve. I recently attended the 2023 Tomato Disease Workshop held at Purdue University to learn more about tomato diseases and on-going research activities from colleagues across the United States and Canada. One session that could be easily shared was information about a new mobile resource available to commercial vegetable growers. The vegetable modules are a great addition to this application in my opinion. I have had this app downloaded on my phone for fruit crops for several years and find it very useful. The tables of registered fungicides are a quick way to reference available chemicals, active ingredients, FRAC/IRAC codes, efficacy, etc. This reliable source of information can be another tool to aid in disease and insect management decisions.
The following information was originally published in Abstracts of Presentations from the 2023 Tomato Disease Workshop – 30 October to 1 November.
Title: MyIPM for Vegetables: A New Mobile Pest Management Resource for Commercial Vegetable Production
Author(s): Rebecca A. Melanson, Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center, Mississippi State University; Thomas Kuhar, Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech; Tom Bilbo, Coastal Research and Education Center, Clemson University; and Inga Meadows, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University
Abstract: MyIPM for Vegetables is a new pest management resource for commercial vegetable production and the latest in the MyIPM app series (https://myipm.app/) for smart devices. It was made possible through a Southern IPM Grant, the Southern IPM Center, and the participation of collaborators from the Southeastern Vegetable Extension Workers and several universities. The app is scheduled for release in November 2023 and will be free to download for both Android and Apple devices. The initial release of MyIPM for Vegetables will include modules for diseases and insects of cucurbits and tomatoes. Modules contain images and descriptions of the diseases (pathogens) and insects; information on available chemical, biological, and cultural management methods for each disease/insect; and tables of registered fungicides and insecticides that include active ingredients, product names, FRAC/IRAC codes, efficacy, application rates, preharvest intervals, and restricted entry intervals. Content is downloaded directly to smart devices. An internet connection or cellular signal is not required for content access once content is downloaded. Updates, however, do require an internet connection or cellular signal, and a notification will appear when an update is available. Unlike traditional publications, which often have long production times, existing app content can be updated, and new content can be added and made available to users at any time throughout the year. Additional cucurbit and tomato disease and insect profiles are planned after the initial release of MyIPM for Vegetables, and disease and insect modules for additional vegetable crops are expected to be added in the future.