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Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers

Mechanical weed control field days

picture of weeding tools with words over the top

Food Works Southern Illinois Farming Alliance is hosting a Mechanical Weed Control Field Day on two dates from two different locations in the southern Illinois region. Each of these is a full day workshop with lunch included. Tuesday, October 8, Beet Root Farm, Carbondale, IL with be hosting the first workshop and Ryder Family Farm, Golconda, IL will be the host site for Wednesday, October 9 field day.

Weed management is the biggest challenge on many market farms. And managing weeds in vegetables requires specialized tools and techniques. This is a great opportunity to learn about and try many weeding tools before buying them. 

Learn strategies to exploit the biological weaknesses of your problem weeds with the right tools, cover crops, and tillage in both tunnels and the field. Compare systems in the field including white ag plastic vs hilling, reduced-tillage vs conventional tillage; variable row spacing, and more. Meet other farmers and learn from their weed management experiences and use a detailed weed management plan template to gain a new perspective on your weeds. 

For more information