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Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers

From St. Louis Metro East: Field work ramping up with warming temperatures

field with rows of green strawberry plants and a person pulling a white row cover off of the plants

Sprayers are up and running for the 2025 season.  Plasticulture strawberries are uncovered, and the first round of fungicide has been applied, as well as the first dose of fertilizer.  So far, no signs of Neopestalotiopsis have been reported.  Follow the previous link for the recording of a recent webinar on the subject, hosted by University of Kentucky Extension.

Peach growers have already applied the peach leaf curl spray, and up next will be the scale (oil) and scab spray. Burn down and preemergent herbicide is going down on asparagus ahead of emergence.  As mentioned in the last newsletter, pruning is in full swing for all the woody perennial fruit. Trays of seeded vegetable transplant are filling up greenhouses and high tunnels ahead of anticipated transplanting date. Not much ground has been worked, though planting of horseradish was noted. In the next week or so, I expect to see a lot more field work, including the first planting of sweet corn.

With fire blight season for apple and pear just around the corner, growers should know that BASF is no longer labeling Apogee.  What’s in the supply chain now is all that’s left of Apogee.  In replacement, growers will want to source Kudos 27.5 WDG by Fine-Americas, Inc.

Save the Date

Illinois State Horticulture Society – Summer Hort Day
Thursday, June 12
Flamm Orchards
8760 Old Hwy 51 N
Cobden, IL 62920