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People filling out paperwork on a desk

Fulton County collaboration yields $8 million in grants

Rural communities throughout Illinois and across the nation struggle to maintain population, jobs, and schools. The COVID-19 pandemic created even more challenges; however, a collaborative group of community leaders in Fulton County was already at work addressing the...
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4-H youth holding a Guinea Pig

4-H pet care projects teach responsibility to youth

Pets bring a lot of joy to the homes where they live. When young family members help take care of pets, they learn valuable responsibility skills. 4-H provides tools and learning opportunities for youth to develop those skills. 4-H pet care projects include Cat, Dog, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, and Small...
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Picture of native plant Black-eyed Susan with butterfly

Native plant education aids natural habitat preservation 

Each year in the United States, over one million acres of native habitat are transformed into urban and suburban lawns. The loss of these native plant resources is directly related to the decline of the native bird population by 3 billion birds. As news of species decline becomes more common,...
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Picture of SNAP-Ed community worker preparing a recipe for online education

SNAP-Ed Healthy Cents lessons reach adults online

While it is important to educate people about nutritious eating, it is equally important to teach them how they can afford nutritious foods on a budget. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program—Education (SNAP-Ed) staff at University of Illinois Extension staff offer Healthy Cents 12-part series...
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