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Health Insights Illinois

Childhood obesity: A growing concern

boy with thumbs up

Engaging in physical activity together as a family models healthy behaviors, strengthens relationships, and leads to numerous mental and physical benefits for children now and for years to come. Learn how to incorporate family-based physical activity into your family’s routine.

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness month.

In Illinois, 15.2% of teens in grades 9-12 have obesity. 

As kids head back to school, it is a great time to examine your current routines and establish new healthy family habits. Parents can play an important role in modeling physical activity behaviors for their children, having a positive impact on their children’s physical activity levels for years to come.

You know you should exercise for 30 minutes at least five days per week, but what about your kids? The CDC recommends children ages 6 through 17 get at least one hour of moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity each day, and young children aged 3 through 5 should engage in active play daily. Currently in Illinois, only about a quarter of teens in grades 9 through 12 meet this recommendation.

Research shows that participating in physical activity as a family is associated with higher levels of physical activity and reduced rates of obesity in both children and adults. Being active together as a family can provide social support and a positive effect on mental health including reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety and improved self-esteem. While traditional workouts may not be appropriate for children of all ages, there are many activities your family can adopt to be active together.

Go for a walk

Walk to school or take a walk that ends at your bus stop. Walking in the morning before school and the workday is a great way to get the whole family moving and can even improve academic performance! If a morning walk doesn’t fit into your day, make it a habit to walk before or after dinner. If your kids lose interest, try walking to a new park or playground or gamify the walk with a scavenger hunt. Some neighborhoods don’t have sidewalks or may not feel safe for family walks, if you drive your child to school, consider parking a few blocks away and walking from there.

Get involved in sports

There are lots of opportunities for your kids to participate in school, club, or recreational sports. While attending practices and games provides a time and space for them to be active, parents often find themselves sitting on the sidelines or spending extra time in the car. Bring your sneakers and walk the perimeter of the field during soccer practice or complete a bodyweight workout with exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and plank.

Break up screen time with movement snacks

When homework, video games, or television have you or the kids sitting for more than an hour at a time, interrupt with a dance break, a race up and down the stairs, or a push-up contest. Even as little as 30 seconds of vigorous activity during prolonged sitting can provide short- and long-term health benefits.

Printable Factsheet



Factsheet Text: National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Why Does it Matter?

Childhood obesity can have lasting effects into adulthood, harming both physical and mental health.

In the U.S., 26.2% of Hispanic children, 24.8% of Black children, 16.6% of White children, and 9.0% of Asian children are affected by obesity. Less than 12% of all children eat enough vegetables and children spend about 7.5 hours a day on screens.


Keep non-school screen time to under 2 hours a day, make physical activity family-center and fun, and give kids a smaller plate instead of making them eat a big portion of food.

How Can My Child Benefit From Being a Healthy Weight?

Children who are a healthy weight experience a lowered risk of depression, anxiety, bullying, cancer, eating disorders, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. They are more likely to be confident, have better friends, get good sleep, do well in school, have good memory, be energetic, have strong bones, and live longer.


Make changes by going on family walks after dinner, involving children in sports, limiting screen time, and giving kids a smaller plate of food. Have healthier foods by cooking healthy meals together as a family, keeping healthy snacks in the house like baby carrots, fruits, and low-fat yogurt. Take your child to a doctor for regular checkups, role model a body-positive or body-neutral approach, and check in with children about school, social life, and emotional status.



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