Register now for the February 4-H Archery Workshops, these workshops are offered by state certified 4-H Archery Instructors. They will be held on select Monday nights at the McLean County Fairgrounds in the West Expo Building. The street address for the McLean County Fairgrounds is 1106 Interstate Drive, Bloomington, IL 61705.
**Participants must be enrolled in 4-H, in a Shooting Sports SPIN Club, and enrolled in Archery as a 4-H project to attend this workshop. Additionally, they need to complete a medical form EACH YEAR and return it to the Extension Office or bring the completed forms to the workshop.
Note: Certain Mondays will only have Level 2 Workshops. Level 1 is for those members who have not received the safety training. You need only to have the safety training once in your 4-H archery career. Level 2 gives members a bit more shooting time since the safety training has already been received.
Participants must have completed a Level 1 Archery Workshop before they can participate in a Level 2 Workshop. Registration closes at 3pm the Friday prior to the workshop.
Contact Sky Holland (skylarh@illinois.edu or 309-663-8306) with questions.