There is no one size fits all when it comes to families.
In today's hectic lives, families find themselves parenting children, helping teens cope with changing emotions, caring for extended family or community members, and working to strengthen personal relationships. Wearing all those hats can be stressful. Illinois Extension experts help you to handle life's ups and downs. Together, we'll build inclusive communities that support the well-being and quality of life you desire. /media/5816/download
Upcoming Programs
Current Workshops
Explore the current workshops or series being offered around Livingston, McLean and Woodford Counties. Visit to find dates and locations of programs.
Wits Workout
Does your brain need a fitness routine? Join University of Illinois Educator Sara Attig as she leads participants through interactive activities designed to exercise the brain to maintain and enhance cognitive function and memory. You are never too young or too old to get started training your brain, so join Sara in this fun and informative class.Join University of Illinois Educator Sara Attig as she leads participants through interactive activities designed to exercise the brain to maintain and enhance cognitive function and memory. You are never too young or too old to get started training your brain, so join Sara in this fun and informative class.
Happy Hacks
Our lives are bombarded with negativity, stress, and countless threats to our emotional well-being, work, and close relationships. New research in neuroscience and positive psychology shows that when we experience happiness and positivity, it turns on all the learning centers in the brain and fuels positive outcomes in all aspects of our lives. In this session, participants will learn about the common barriers to positivity and personal well-being and find out more about simple science-backed principles and practices or “happy hacks” to boost positivity, productivity, mood, and attitude.
Where to Start: Decluttering Your Home and Finances
Get happier, healthier, and more organized! Do you feel overwhelmed trying to organize your stuff? Do you have a filing cabinet spilling over with financial paperwork? Let Extension help! Join Family Life Educator Sara Attig in a free workshop to get your home and finances organized.
- Explore reasons for clutter and how it makes you feel
- Identify what financial documents needs to be kept and when to discard documents
- Explore secure options to discard sensitive financial documents
- Learn the benefits of decluttering and minimizing
- Identify strategies and create a plan to clear your clutter
Compassion Fatigue: The Cost of Caring for Others
Caring for parents or other dependent adults is a concern for many individuals. The family, indeed, is a major resource in helping older members with emotional and social support, crisis intervention, and linkages with the health care system. By participating in this series, participants will have the opportunity to become more conscious of their needs as caregivers and learn how to develop a plan to meet those needs. Topics covered in this series include changing relationships, effective communication techniques, difficult emotions and losses, caregiver self-care, and eldercare services and resources.
Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention
Older adults are more likely to fall which can cause serious injury. The causes of falls include muscle weakness, poor balance and vision, lack of confidence at moving about, and the effect of medication. Many studies have shown Tai Chi as being one of the most effective approaches for preventing falls. The Dr. Paul Lam's Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention Program is recognized by the CDC as an evidence-based program. Join Family Life Educator Sara Attig to learn exercises that can improve muscular strength, flexibility, and fitness.
Terrific Teachable Moments
As a parent, childcare provider, teacher, or youth mentor, wouldn’t it be nice to have a simple resource at your fingertips that let you encourage or discourage specific behaviors right when they occur? The Terrific Teachable Moments app is just that – a helpful teaching tool you can download and access immediately from your smart device whenever a teachable situation arises.
The app includes over 150 activity-based mini lessons, and each can be completed in under 10 minutes. Lessons are built on the 4-H Youth Development framework of experiential learning that leads kids to participate in a short activity, reflect on the experience, and apply what they learn by connecting it to real-life situations.
Every family is unique! Find the right lesson that fits your family within one of four, age-appropriate lesson groups included in the TTM app download.
- Embrace wellness: A new year – A new you
- As we step into 2025, embrace a sustainable approach to health and wellness by focusing on holistic well-being rather than extreme resolutions. This blog explores physical wellness—one of the eight dimensions of wellness—and offers practical tips like staying active, improving sleep habits, eating healthily, and scheduling routine check-ups to kickstart your journey to a healthier, balanced life.
- Maintaining emotional and financial wellness
- When considering wellness, how often do you reflect on your emotional and financial states. In today’s article, we’ll address these two important dimensions of wellness.
About the Author
Sara Attig is a Family Life Educator with University of Illinois Extension, serving Livingston, McLean, and Woodford Counties. Attig uses her expertise to deliver impactful and meaningful programs about the dimensions of wellness, aging, and much more to Livingston, McLean, and Woodford Counties and beyond.
Caregiving - Many family caregivers find themselves gradually taking on more tasks as older relatives become increasingly frail. Others are suddenly thrust into the caregiving role when a life even or health crisis decreases the care receiver’s independence. No one anticipates what it takes to provide care for others, but one thing is certain – caregivers do not have experience the journey alone.
Parenting - Positive parenting is the foundation your child needs to grow. Parenting is a process that prepares your child for independence. No one is perfect, but daily actions will help you be the person your child wants and needs you to be.
Stress Management
Stress Management - Manage your stress for better living. If left unmanaged, stress can negatively impact our physical health, emotional well-being, relationships, work, and many other things in our lives.
Strong Couples
Strong Couples - Maintaining a strong relationship with your spouse or romantic partner can be a challenge. And when you need help, getting trustworthy, effective relationship support can be just as challenging. Relationship education can help you build the life you deserve.
Substance Use and Misuse
Substance Use and Misuse - Substance Use and Your Child. You want your child to have a bright future. To help with that, here are five strategies for talking about alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs. Be informed about talking about drug use.
Tips for Families
Tips for Families - Find helpful tips for any situation that you and your family might face.
Learn More

Aging is part of living. Do it well. What you do today influences your future. Learn how to take care of yourself now to embrace aging and grow gracefully, successfully, and with increased longevity. Be physically and mentally ready to embrace aging with open arms.

Brain Health
Keep your brain young with simple strategies. As we age, our brains change. Lifestyle choices now can keep your brain healthy so you can enjoy the things you love to do. The earlier you start, the better your chances for happiness and health in your later years.

Help to begin your caregiving journey. Caregivers provide care for dependent adults for various reasons and in different ways. No one anticipates what it takes to provide care for others, but one thing is certain – caregivers do not have to experience the journey alone.

Farm Stress Management
It's time to listen. It's time to help. Agricultural work includes several unique stressors, such as impacts of weather conditions and events, financial concerns about commodity prices, loan interest rates, managing the farm business, long work hours, working with heavy machinery, and, at times, working closely with family.

Healthy Relationships
Reducing family conflict and arguments. We all want supportive, loving relationships with our family, but sometimes reality tells a different story. Relationships with family members will shape our lives for better or for worse.

Living Well
The best is yet to come. Explore ways to make life more enjoyable. Illinois Extension can help you focus on the things that matter most while you discard the things that are weighing you down.
We are here to help.

Sara Attig