Ready to help change the world? Become an Illinois Extension Climate Steward!
Climate change is a global issue with community-level solutions. This spring, learn from University of Illinois climate scientists and researchers about how you can help make a difference where you live and meet the challenges of a changing world.
The Climate Stewards training covers:
- The social and emotional aspects of climate work
- How to communicate the science behind global warming
- Local options for adaptation, mitigation, and resiliency
After the course, Climate Stewards are encouraged to volunteer in activities ranging from community and participatory science, land and water stewardship, environmental justice and civic engagement, and education and interpretation activities. Learn more about the Climate Stewards program.
Course learning modules, materials, and discussion forums are available from Feb. 12 through the end of the year on Learn @ Illinois Extension, an online learning platform. Live remote sessions will be led by State Master Naturalist Coordinator and Climate Change Specialist Duane Friend 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 17, March 3 and 24, April 14 and May 5. The program is limited to 25 participants.
Extension’s natural resources, environment, and energy program provides research-based education for awareness and action to sustain healthy environments and ecosystems that support quality living and resilient communities. Extension staff empower people across Illinois to make a difference through the volunteer programs Master Naturalists, Climate Stewards, and Master Watershed Stewards.