News Releases

Keep plants, pollinators happy with fall Gardening in the Air series
URBANA, Ill. — With the weather getting colder and the coming of fall, it’s important to know how to put your garden to rest and plan for the next growing season. Learn how to support pollinators, grow vegetables and herbs in any size garden, and find and plant trees for long-term...
Consider cover crops this fall
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Like it or not, fall and winter will be here before we know it. During the off-season, too many gardeners leave their vegetable or flower gardens bare over winter. This can cause major problems for the following growing season, especially an invasion of winter weeds and...
Woodford County Master Gardeners offer gardening help desk at Eureka Library
EUREKA, Ill. – Do you want to save seed this year? Is there a problem with your yard or garden? Are pests and weeds concerning you? University of Illinois Extension Woodford County Master Gardeners' Help Desk offers the community a unique opportunity to bring in your gardening questions and...
Armyworms march into Illinois' fields, lawns, gardens
  URBANA, Ill. – Fall armyworm caterpillars are enjoying a bountiful meal at the expense of farmers and homeowners. Prevalent in the southern states, the adult moths move north to Illinois to mate and lay eggs. This year’s appearance is earlier and in higher...
Small bees attracted to small flowers
URBANA, Ill. – While the bumblebee is likely the most well-known pollinator, pollinators come in a variety of shapes, species, and sizes. “Many entomologists believe the tiny sweat bee nectaring on your flowering weed is just as important to a healthy ecosystem as the more well-known...
Baby feeding resource delivers peace of mind for new parents
URBANA, Ill. – New parents faced with the responsibility of caring for a baby often wonder how often to feed a newborn, when to wean babies from breastmilk or formula, when to introduce baby to solid foods, and whether homemade baby food is better than store-bought. Babies may not come...
Volunteers inducted into Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame
URBANA, Ill. – Illinois 4-H volunteers empower and prepare youth for success. The program relies on more than 15,000 volunteers to fill key leadership and mentoring roles. Longtime volunteers and former staff members were recently honored by the ...
Plant asters for unique display of fall color 
URBANA, Ill. – Fall gardens may need some added pops of color this time of year to maintain beauty and diversity until winter arrives. Asters are a late-blooming, pollinator friendly flower that looks great in the garden and in a fall floral display.  “Think beyond the...
They thrash about and are here for your soil
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — They are here! They thrash side to side when threatened or touched by the unknowing observer. Jumping worms have spread throughout our Central Illinois gardens and they could be in your backyard right now. Local...
Pollinators are celebrated at Yost House in Pontiac
An Oregon State University research study featured in Science Daily tracked butterfly abundance in Ohio over the last 20 years has discovered a 33% decline. We can only assume that in Illinois we have similar patterns...
Local Extension Master Gardener program offers hybrid training
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — For 46 years, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners have measured success by gardens planted, insects identified, produce harvested, and countless volunteer hours logged by helping others learn to grow. ...
4-H Show time is here Woodford County!
EUREKA, IL – After such an unexpected year, we are happy to once again be in person for our 2021 Woodford County 4-H Show which runs July 26-29 at Farm Bureau Park in Eureka, IL. Our youth have been hard at work finishing up their projects and we are excited for everyone to come out to the show...
Get a refresh and recharge on food preservation
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy your garden or farmers market produce all year long? Whether just starting out, or updating your food preservation knowledge, join University of Illinois Extension for a free, timely, seasonal program all about canning. You’ll learn the step-by-...