News Releases

Choose perennials that love sun for summer glory
URBANA, Ill. – Planning a perennial garden can be challenging when faced with weather extremes. The Midwest can often be hot and dry throughout August. Drought-proven perennials can provide relief to a stressed summer flower garden.  Silver foliage plants that thrive in full sun...
Stay safe in pools and hot tubs
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Water is a powerful conductor of electricity. It is especially important to be aware of electrical hazards around water. As temperatures soar this week, University of Illinois Extension provides these safety tips...
Illinois Master Gardeners announce new volunteer website
URBANA, Ill. – University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners donated 189,392 hours across the state in 2019, answering questions, leading programs, and volunteering at community garden projects. These 2,719 garden enthusiasts of all ages volunteer at local Illinois Extension offices to...
Showy Annabelle hydrangea has historic roots in Illinois
URBANA, Ill. - The ‘Annabelle’ hydrangea has been a mainstay of the ornamental shrub world since its release in the 1960s. This showy shrub is filled with beautiful snowball-like flowers that adorn its spindly branches each summer. The blooms begin as pretty green puffs that turn white at...
COVID-19 expense relief available for local governments
URBANA, Ill. - The Local Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Support Program, CURE, is federally funded through the Coronavirus Relief Fund and reimburses local governments for costs specifically related to the COVID-19 public health emergency incurred since March 1, not previously budgeted...
Rural communities learn ways to recognize, manage stress
URBANA, Ill. - Volatile crop prices, global markets, and natural disasters create stress for rural residents, farmers, and ranchers. Even before the current health crisis, rural communities across the Midwest were dealing with additional economic stressors, such as the closing of coal-fired...
Learn safe food handling, prep methods
URBANA, Ill. - Approximately one in six Americans gets a foodborne illness each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Foodborne illnesses are not a minor inconvenience. In fact, the CDC estimates...
A volunteer helps remeasure the state champion water tupelo.
Illinois’ big trees are on the map
URBANA, Ill. – From the depths of the Shawnee National Forest to backyards in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois’ biggest trees are branching out. For the first time, the state’s champion trees are now available as an interactive digital map.“For more than 58 years, the Illinois Big Tree...
Get out of the sun with 5 ideas for backyard shade
URBANA, Ill. - Relaxing outdoors while surrounded by plants is a great stress reducer. As temperatures heat up, you can prolong your time outside by creating some shade in your yard. "Shaded areas let you stay outside longer without getting exhausted from the sun,"...
Governments look for ways to help small businesses
URBANA, Ill. - Community leaders across Illinois are working hard to adopt and overcome challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey conducted by University of Illinois Extension. Town, city, and county...
Growing irises: How to plant, grow and care for iris
URBANA, Ill. - There aren’t very many plants that come in a wider range of color than iris. In the past 50 years, thousands of cultivars in various colors, sizes, and forms have been developed. "I have about 20 cultivars of bearded iris in my garden including a small white and lavender...
Project learning never stops in 4-H
The Illinois 4-H youth development program empowers and prepares youth for success by providing opportunities for youth to learn, practice, and demonstrate skills needed for home, career, and global citizenship. Youth, organized in clubs,...