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McLean County Master Gardeners Receive State Awards

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – University of Illinois Extension congratulates the following McLean County Master Gardeners for receiving state awards from the Illinois Master Gardener program. Award winners were recognized this month at an online conference.

Diane Cook and Patty Kahle were recognized as 2020 Outstanding Master Gardeners in Illinois, honoring the best of Illinois Master Gardeners. Only the top 2% of Illinois State Master Gardeners win this award annually. They must exceed in leadership, determination, positivity, initiative, and be highly involved in the program.

Diane Cook’s invaluable contributions to the program in McLean County includes the Client Services Committee that assists community members with gardening questions through our Help Desk and community booths.

Patty Kahle most recently served as Outreach Committee Chair where she and her committee coordinated Home, Lawn, and Garden Day in early March 2020, hosting 250 attendees. She is also the Chair of the Jr. Master Gardener program providing activities for youth twice a month during the summer at Children’s Discovery Museum in Normal.

Tracy Burr and Barb Wells received the Sustained Excellence Award, which was established to honor Illinois Master Gardeners who have previously received the Outstanding Award and have continued to demonstrate distinction in the program.

Tracy Burr has been a pivotal player in the proposal and execution of the Meditation Garden at Carle BroMenn Medical Center in Normal. Working with hospital contacts and Master Gardeners, Tracy nurtured this project from planning and design to its installation, creating a beautiful and educational retreat on hospital grounds.

Barb Wells is a valued leader in the preservation and restoration of Sarah’s Garden at the David Davis Mansion historic site, develops programs for the youth at Unity Community Center, and a presenter of McLean County Master Gardeners’ Speakers Bureau. Barb is currently McLean County Master Gardener Advisory Council President and serves as Secretary of the McLean County Extension Service Foundation.

The Carle BroMenn Meditation Garden received the Master Gardener Teamwork Award, established to honor projects which have made a difference in the community or Extension unit. The group of Master Gardeners had to show a focused team approach to a project, innovation, and improving an existing project to serve their community better. McLean County Master Gardeners part of this team include Tracy Burr, Karl Hedding, Chris Kraft, Sharon O’Neall, and Jim Schmidt. The garden provides a space for reflection and meditation for the community, patients, visitors, and hospital staff. From the beginning, the project was team-based with involvement from both Master Gardeners and hospital volunteers, with great support from hospital administration. The Meditation Garden provides a quiet space for reflection in addition to being a beautiful outdoor classroom for many educational opportunities.

If you see the McLean County Master Gardeners working or teaching in your community, thank them for their outstanding efforts in improving the community and helping others learn to grow!

For more information about the McLean County Master Gardener program, visit us at or contact the McLean County Extension Office at 309-663-8306.