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Green Side Up

Green Side Up is a gardening program produced by University of Illinois Extension. It is hosted by Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator, Horticulture.
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About the author/host: Horticulture Educator Richard Hentschel's expertise extends across several subject areas with specialties in lawn care, fruit tree production, woody ornamentals, and home and community gardening.

Winter Wheat & Dicamba Soybeans

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Richard Hentschel, host of Green Side Up, continues a 3-part phone interview with Russ Higgins, Commercial Agriculture Educator, and discusses how the winter wheat crop is fairing in all this cold weather. Russ and Richard also talk about how the...

Weather and Farming

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During a call-in interview, host Richard Hentschel and Commercial Agriculture Educator Russ Higgins discuss how the 2017 growing season went for farmers, especially with the strange weather pattern this summer. The pair also tackles how corn and...

Gardening Resolutions

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Richard Hentschel, host of Green Side Up, talks about making some gardening resolutions for 2018 and how easy some of them can be to check off the list. Don't just say "I am going to make the landscape better in 2018." Put down some specific...

Houseplant Care for Winter

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Host Richard Hentschel discusses winter care of our houseplants long after the holiday gift plants are gone. Houseplants that need a lot of light will get loose and leggy while stretching towards the light during the cloudy short days of winter...

Winter Tasks and Reminders

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Horticulture Educator and GSU Host Richard Hentschel provides some quick reviews and reminders on bird feeding, firewood management, mulching tender perennials, protecting thinned bark trees and more.

Gift Ideas for Gardeners

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Horticulture Educator Richard Hentschel talks gifts for the gardener in the family. Tools are always welcome, especially those that have multiple uses. Other kinds of supplies also make good gifts, perhaps bags of soil amendment, fertilizers, or...

Christmas Trees Support the Environment

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Host Richard Hentschel discussed some interesting facts regarding the impacts of our Christmas Tree industry across the country. Christmas trees are very much sustainable and add to the environment in a many ways.

Switching Gears - Mower to Snowblower

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Horticulture Educator Richard Hentschel talks about those late November outdoor gardening activities like the last mowing and leaf cleanup. He gives tips on getting the lawn mower put to bed and the snow blower ready for service. Predictions are...

Choosing the Holiday Tree

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Picking the not so perfect holiday tree may not be so bad. GSU Host Richard Hentschel shares tips for picking the family holiday tree and for handling it. Plus, he shares how to help it last once it is indoors.

Indoor Info: Houseplants & Fireplaces

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U of I Extension's Richard Hentschel discusses two different topics this week: Fireplace safety and Houseplants. The indoor fireplace means following some simple guidelines before enjoying the wood as it burns. Getting the fireplace and chimney...

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