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Green Side Up

Green Side Up is a gardening program produced by University of Illinois Extension. It is hosted by Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator, Horticulture.
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Latest Episode

About the author/host: Horticulture Educator Richard Hentschel's expertise extends across several subject areas with specialties in lawn care, fruit tree production, woody ornamentals, and home and community gardening.

Spring Clean-Up Tasks

U of I Extension's Richard Hentschel discusses many of the early yard clean-up projects that can be done while we wait for the real spring weather. Early lawn clean-up with a leaf rake can take a while if you have a large yard. Uncovering spring bulbs and tender perennials is another activity...

Don't Stop Feeding the Birds

Host Richard Hentschel discusses late spring bird feeding for migrating and local birds. Homeowners should make sure there is some water available now that we have no snow, as it is really appreciated by our feathered friends. In addition, keeping the feeder clean and feeder openings clear of...


Did you know many of us likely use a "pesticide" almost every day, if not every day? The word pesticide, when broken down and back to its origin, means killing a pest. This could be in the garden or home, from fungicides and insecticides to kitchen sanitizers. Host Richard Hentschel breaks down...

Preparing for Home Orchard Work

Richard Hentschel, host of GSU, addresses what should be done in the home orchard, starting with dormant pruning. First spray of the season is usually a dormant oil and moving on to the early cover sprays to protect emerging foliage and flowers from our windborne diseases like Cedar Apple Rust...

Late Winter Yard To-Dos

Host Richard Hentschel talks about what is going on out in the home landscape right now. Things are pretty brown, except the colorful food and snack wrappers stuck among base of plants. Do a quick pick-up so you won't have to look at trash this spring. Rabbits may have caused some (or a lot...

Seeds and Seed Packets

University of Illinois Extension Educator Richard Hentschel discusses saved flower and vegetable seeds, and how to check them this time of year. He also reminds us that seed packets can give us lots of good information on the best conditions for seed germination.

Dormant Pruning

U of I Extension's Richard Hentschel discusses the need to do dormant pruning for our trees and shrubs. He provides the benefits of this strategy, including the ease of pruning while the plants are without leaves.

Berries and Brambles

Horticulture Educator and podcast host Richard Hentschel talks about how to keep your brambles from becoming the preverbal bramble patch. Did you know pruning is straight forward, and needs to be done just twice a year? Listen to learn how fruiting canes work, when they die and when they can...

Tips for Picking & Purchasing Fruit Trees

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Are those seed, plant and tree catalogs filling your mailbox? If fruit trees are on your to-buy list, host Richard Hentschel talks apples, peaches, cherries, pears and more. He also explains the catalog description terminology, such as "self-...

Crop Yields, Prices & Exports

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Russ Higgins, commercial agriculture educator, calls-in to talk with host Richard Hentschel about how the record yields over the last three years will be used domestically and worldwide. Current prices have shifted from the demand side to a...

Podcast Hosts