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Green Side Up

Green Side Up is a gardening program produced by University of Illinois Extension. It is hosted by Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator, Horticulture.
Green Side Up artwork

Latest Episode

About the author/host: Horticulture Educator Richard Hentschel's expertise extends across several subject areas with specialties in lawn care, fruit tree production, woody ornamentals, and home and community gardening.

Fruit Tree Training

Host Richard Hentschel continues the series on home orchards this week. Previous shows have covered siting the orchard to benefit from the best sunlight, air and soil drainage. This week the show covers fruit tree training. Proper scaffold training allows the tree to support the fruit load...

Home Orchard: 2

Host Richard Hentschel continues the series of growing fruit trees in home orchard. this week Richard discusses proper siting of fruit trees in the yard and other consideations that will favor growing and management of the home orchard. Good soil drainage along with air drainage is very...

Home Orchard: 1

Richard Hentschel, host of Green Side Up begins a series of shows on home orchards starting with a discussion on pollentaion. Most apples will need to be cross pollentaion as do pears and some plums. Other fruit trees are considered partially self fruitful. those tres prefer to be cross...

Super Bowl Food Safety

Dru Banks talks with host Richard Hentschel, discusses food safety during the upcoming Super Bowl season and other sports tournaments. some general rules at these kinds of parties are just like our holiday meals, hot food hot, cold food cold, and limit foods to 2 hours out on the table. Foods...

Poinsettia General Care

Host Richard Hentschel talks about how to pick and by a fresh poinsettia and the general care to provide longest lasting blooms possible. You should expect 6-8 weeks of a great show. Keeping them evenly water is critical to keeping leaves and colorful bracts on the plant. Water without the foil...

Food Trends - Fermented Food

Richard and Dru discuss the latest in food trends. Interest in fermented foods are increasing for the pro-biotics they contain. Pickled vegetables are things like kimchee, sauerkraut, and pickles. Some food trends get started in the restaurants. Increased usage of herbs and spices. This is...

Dietary Guidelines and Coffee Drinking Habits

Host Richard Hentschel talks more with Dru Banks, Nutrition and Wellness educator on the Dietary Guidelines and our coffee drinking habits. Americans drink lots of coffee. Moderate coffee consumption is ok for healthy adults. That is about 400 milligrams of caffeine in total during the day....

Food Safety During the Holidays

Richard Hentschel talks with Dru Banks on eating during the holidays, food safety is key. Improperly handled foods by leaving out too long and general sanitation like a lack of hand washing.

Keeping foods chilled (crushed ice below) or hot (140 degrees) and serving the dish in small...

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Host Richard Hentschel discusses the Dietary Guidelines for Americans with Dru Banks, Nutrition and Wellness Educator. The focus is now reducing sugars, sodium intake, saturated fat and eating nutrient dense foods. Soft drinks and eating out can be a real source of those added sugars. We are now...

Last of the Garden Chores

Last of the garden chores are covered by Richard Hentschel, host of Green Side Up. Late season vegetable gardens should be about done right now so go ahead and clean up the debris. Adding composts to the soil is a good thing to do this time of year. Lawns should also be about done by now so after...

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