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Green Side Up

Green Side Up is a gardening program produced by University of Illinois Extension. It is hosted by Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator, Horticulture.
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Latest Episode

About the author/host: Horticulture Educator Richard Hentschel's expertise extends across several subject areas with specialties in lawn care, fruit tree production, woody ornamentals, and home and community gardening.

Damage to Tree Canopies

Host Richard Hentschel discuses recent events related to recent rains. Damage to tree canopies and broken branches in shrubs. Proper pruning of those damaged branches will aid in proper recovery. Making proper cuts to minimize the open cut area. Removing the broken branches on smaller ornamental...

Beetle and Grub Control

Host Richard Hentschel discusses Japanese beetles this season and potential grub control. Mushroom in the lawn can be from decaying ash tree roots after EAB has killed the tree and has been removed. Mushrooms are also being found in landscaped mulched beds. Slime molds are also around. Austrian...

Grub Control

Host Richard Hentschel dissuses the potential need for grub control in home lawns this year. We have had adequate soil moisture and green lawns, yet popultions of the adult beetles have been down since the drought of 2012. Fewer grubs will mean no management practices will will be needed....

Recent Rains

Richard Hentschel talks about recent rains. Rains or watering is needed at critical times in the vegetable garden. Good moisture is needed for pod fill, fruit development and corn silking and tasseling.

Suckers and water spouts are also showing up in the home landscape, especially on...

Home Landscape

Host Richard Hentschel discusses several areas in the home landscape. Lots of our annuals and newly planted perennials have not established the expected root systems with all the rain earlier and are looking a bit lackluster. Lawns have had mushrooms growing in them. This can be a natural event...

Decline of Austrian Pines

Richard Hentschel, host of Green Side Up discusses the severe decline of Austrian Pines due to the kind of weather we have had this spring. Diplodia tip blight favors stressed and older plants. The disease has gotten a lot stronger as trees have remained stressed since the drought of 2012....

Scale Insects

Host Richard Hentschel discusses several insects currently in the home landscape. scale insects are active right now on several kinds of plants. The black sooty mold seen as a reslut of the sticky sap dripping down from the scale feeding. gall forming insects are also showing up as those galls...

Home Orchards

Home Orchards can be very rewarding but take a lot of work, including a very routine schedule of sprays to protect the young developing fruits and leaves against both foliar and fruit diseases and insects that can damage our fruits and eat the leaves. Cedar Apple Rust and Apple scab are the two...

Spring Blooming Bulbs

Dealing with our spring blooming bulbs the right way an be rewarding with better or more blooms in 2017. Foliage should be leaf intact until the bulb has naturally died down. If you are going to cut some foliage off, limit that to about 1/3 of the levels. Spring is also a great to time to feed...

Mowing and Lawn Care in Cooler Wet Weather

Mowing and lawn care can be a real challenge with our cooler, wetter weather. Lawns are growing very strong right now. Mowing more frequently is easy to say than do when we are having lots of rain. Mowing and removing no more than 1/3 of the grass blade is the goal. Mowing more often also lets...

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