It's been said that "The only reason to give a speech is to change the world." Illinois Extension Master Gardeners (EMG) and Master Naturalists (EMN) are seeking to change their world one speaking engagement at a time through Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell ...
Fresh, local produce will be easier to access in the Havana community soon thanks to a new community garden project based at Mission of Hope. This garden’s purpose is to help feed neighbors in the Havana area. A group comprised of University of Illinois Extension SNAP-Education staff, horticulture...
Education isn’t just in a text book, in a classroom, or on a Zoom call. University of Illinois Extension Master Naturalists and Master Gardeners enjoy taking educational hikes and learning about the history of the natural areas around them. The educational hikes with local experts help fulfill the...
Jackie Trotter embodies the spirit of the University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener program. Her dedication to her community and her passion for learning has made her a valuable asset, not only to her fellow gardeners but also to countless residents who have benefited from her expertise....
The new Illinois Pollinator website is raising awareness about the importance of pollinators and equipping users with the knowledge and tools to make a difference in pollinator population support. By providing user-friendly tools and evidence-based...
Master Gardeners and gardening enthusiasts from across the state converged on East Peoria for the 2023 Illinois Master Gardener State Conference, held September 7-8. The conference was organized by Extension Master Gardeners and staff from Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell counties and offered a...
It is easy for University of Illinois Extension staff to see the amazing work Extension Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists do in and for the community. It is not always common knowledge for the public to know about all of the projects. Thanks to the work of two interns, 20 Extension Master...
The “typical” yard can easily be improved to help reduce water run-off, increase wildlife habitat, and improve the soil, which ultimately improves the environment. The Conservation@Home (C@H) program was created by...
In the past year, three new educators have joined the University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit team. This new team of six worked together recently to showcase the expanded programs and knowledge base they offer locally to help make people and communities better.
The 5-...