If you are just dying to get into the garden these days, there is one essential practice that is best done during winter dormancy. Pruning is perhaps the most important landscape maintenance task performed in any space that hosts woody plants. There is a large list of benefits to plant health,...
Across the United States, our urban and natural forest ecosystems support a wide range of both flora and fauna. Trees are certainly the center of these plant communities and remain the most symbolic and recognized plant life on the landscape.
Have you ever wondered exactly how many native species...
Extreme winter cold is something that can keep gardeners up at night. Since plants are dormant, there is little we can do in the way of plant health care and that can be a real helpless feeling. The extremely cold weather back in December certainly raised concern and my office received...
Hollies are common landscape plants and even more common holiday decorations that belong to the incredibly diverse genus Ilex which contains over 400 species, both evergreen and deciduous, that hail from all corners of the globe.
A locally adapted holly species or cultivar is relatively easy...
When you consider the common field crops in Illinois, it is no doubt that corn (Zea mays) has heavily influenced on agriculture. However, broomcorn (Sorghum bicolor) is a lesser-known member of the grass family (Poaceae) with an agricultural history of its own in our...
This time of year, many folks have questions while searching for the perfect Christmas tree. In recent years, I have written several blog posts on this topic, covering various aspects of Christmas tree care, identification, selection, and sustainability. Take a look at our collection of...
Nearly every deciduous plant in the Illinois landscape has lost it leaves for the year, except for one standout.
The non-native, invasive shrubs collectively referred to as bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.) have not quite lost them yet, which makes it noticeable this time of year....
As fall progresses and most plants lose their leaves or retreat to their winter dormancy, portions of the landscape can appear bare and boring for winter. Evergreens and woody plants are commonly considered the best specimens for winter interested, providing structure throughout the seasons...
There are many oddities of the plant world that are hard to pass up without some questions. Based on the perspective of the beholder, some of these strange phenomena may lead to either wonder or concern.
One plant that has fueled both questions of marvel and worry is the popular...
The beauty of fall is upon us with splashes of exorbitant color all around the landscape. In the past week, red maples (Acer rubrum) have nearly reached their peak color for the season, displaying fire-red leaves that scream for attention. The brilliant yellows of shagbark (...