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Hort in the Home Landscape

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Plant of the Week: Jerusalem Sage

This week's Plant of the Week caught my attention in an herb garden while visiting the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix a few weeks ago. The way the flowers were circling the stem was very intriguing. Upon inspection I realized that the perennial was Jerusalem Sage (...
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Propagating Succulents and Cacti

Cacti and Succulents are by far my favorite group of plants. The colors, flowers, and interesting growth habits are like nothing else in my opinion. But one of my favorite things about this group of plants is the ease in which you can make more plants. Through the use of cuttings or division, you...
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Plant of the Week: European Cranberrybush Viburnum

Last week I noticed some striking white flowered shrubs while walking the Highland Community College campus. Upon closer look, I realized the shrubs were European Cranberrybush Viburnums (Viburnum opulus). I'm a big fan of Viburnums and this one is especially nice! European Cranberrybush...
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Plant of the Week: Jacaranda Tree

This past weekend I was overcome with zone envy while visiting Los Angeles on vacation. Neighborhoods were abloom with trees full of stunning bluish purple flowers. After some google research, I identified the trees as Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia). While beautiful on the west coast,...
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Plant of the Week: Pigsqueak, Bergenia

This week's plant of the week is Bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia). I love Bergenia for multiple reasons, but mostly because another of it's common name is Pigsqueak. How cute is that! The name comes from the fact that the leaves are very glossy and...
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Plant of the Week: Purple-Leaf Sand Cherry

This week's plant is the Purple-leaf Sand Cherry (Prunus x cistena). This lovely shrub is blooming now in my front yard. This upright deciduous shrub typically grows 6-10’ tall and 5-8’ wide, but can also be trained as a small tree. Its most noted feature is...
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Plant of the Week: Pasque Flower

I didn't get around to Plant of the Week on Friday, so here is last week's Plant of the Week, the Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris, also known as Anemone pulsatilla). I just planted a pasque flower in my landscape and I'm loving it so far!   Pasque...
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Plant of the Week: Cherry Trees

Last weekend I had the privelege of visiting a friend in Washington D.C and it just so happens to have been the same time that the cherry trees were blooming! It was a beautiful site. This week's plant of the week has to be Cherry Trees (Prunus sp.) of course then!...
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