Monarch’s proposed addition to Threatened Species listThis past December, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposed for the monarch butterfly to be added to the threatened species list, which would place the monarch under the protection of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) via...
The University of Illinois Pesticide Safety Education Program has released their upcoming clinic schedule with locations that span the state. Offerings will be similar to that of recent years although quite limited compared to when in-person was the only option. If you are interested in attending...
Are you preparing to take your Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) pesticide licensing exams? If so, you should check to see if you have the most recent editions of the study publications. The University of Illinois Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) recently revised several manuals...
Here at the Pesticide Safety Education Program, we discuss pesticide resistance topics, such as rotating pesticide chemistries, utilizing thresholds, and using non-chemical control practices such as biological or cultural control. These topics are essential in preventing pest resistance issues, but...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the final biological evaluation (BE), and associated response to comments, for 11 rodenticide active ingredients. The mitigation measures described in this final BE will also serve as the agency’s Rodenticide Strategy as outlined in EPA’s...
In December, the University of Illinois Pesticide Safety Education Program will once again offer in-person training clinics. Offerings will be similar to that of recent years although quite limited compared to when in-person was the only option. Clinics can fill quickly so plan accordingly. ...
The following description has been endorsed by the Weed Science Society of America1: What is the Endangered Species Act (ESA)?The Endangered Species Act is a long-standing federal law, passed in 1973, requiring government agencies to ensure any actions they take do not jeopardize a...
German cockroaches are one of the most problematic insect pests to manage. They typically infest apartment buildings and multifamily homes, which can provide refuges for the population to recover after treatments. Population recovery usually happens quickly as roaches can have up to 6 generations...
Infestations of the domestic turf pest, annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), Listronotus maculicollis, have officially been identified in Northern Illinois. Historically, this insect has been a pest in highly managed turf in Mid-Atlantic states and has recently been infesting new states...