Now is the time to get rid of any old or unwanted pesticides in your chemical storage area. The Illinois EPA one-day household hazardous waste collection schedule for this fall has been released to the public. Please note, all one-day collections require pre-registration. More information can be...
Overall, certified pesticide applicators do an excellent job keeping pesticides on target to protect crop yield and the aesthetics of various landscape settings. But in recent years, there have been increasing reports of what is believed to be herbicide damage on trees found particularly on state...
Strategy aims to increase efficiencies while supporting farmers, herbicide users with continued use of important pesticide tools.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the draft Herbicide Strategy for public comment, a major milestone in the Agency’s work...
The summer field season is underway and Illinois applicators and operators are doing what they do best! With the training and testing season nearing its end, now is the time to enroll anyone who still needs a 2023 license. The Pesticide Safety Education Program’s online testing and training...
You finally found the right people to help complete your workforce. You are showing them what needs to be done and where. But are you helping them to learn how to apply pesticides safely and effectively? Are you guiding them toward the information they need, and will it be presented in the best...
Just a quick reminder that Paraquat users are required to participate in product training every three years. EPA requires that Paraquat applicators take an EPA-approved training program every three years in order to mix, load, apply, or handle Paraquat. This training was first released in 2020 and...