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Diabetes Clinic - Diabetes Trivia

Event Date(s)
Event Time
Woodford Extension Office - Eureka, IL

Learning about our health can be a challenge to add to busy schedules. Hit pause and join University of Illinois Extension for their monthly “Diabetes Clinic – Diabetes Trivia” class. Participants will celebrate their health management experiences and have some fun at the last Diabetes Clinic for the year. Join Nutrition and Wellness Educator and Registered Dietitian, Jenna Smith, for a game of trivia while exploring diabetes risk factors, statistics, self-management strategies and more. Enjoy a low-key class with snacks and time for sharing your experience with your diabetes journey.

The class will meet on Thursday, November 17 from 1:30 - 2:30 pm at the Woodford County Extension Office. Diabetes clinics are informal but informational walk-in programs with a different topic each month designed especially for persons living with diabetes. There is no cost to attend this program and no registration is necessary.